The Xilinx Assert block is used to assert a rate and/or a type on a signal. This block has no cost in hardware and can be used to resolve rates and/or types in situations where designer intervention is required.
Block Parameters
The block parameters dialog box can be invoked by double-clicking the icon in your Simulink® model.
Parameters specific to this block are as follows:
- Type
- Assert type
- Specifies whether or not the block will assert that the type at its input is the same as the type specified. If the types are not the same, an error message is reported. This block is listed in the following Xilinx Blockset libraries: Floating-Point and Index.
- Specify type
- Specifies whether or not the type to assert is
provided from a signal connected to an input port named
or whether it is specified explicitly from parameters in the Assert block dialog box. - Output Type
- Specifies the data type of the output. Can be Boolean, Fixed-point, or Floating-point.
- Arithmetic Type
- If the Output
Type is specified as
Fixed-point, you
can select Signed (2’s
comp) or Unsigned as the Arithmetic
- Fixed-point Precision
- Number of bits
- Specifies the bit location of the binary point of the output number, where bit zero is the least significant bit.
- Binary point
- Position of the binary point in the fixed-point output.
- Floating-point Precision
- Single
- Specifies single precision (32 bits).
- Double
- Specifies double precision (64 bits).
- Custom
- Activates the field below so you can specify the Exponent width and the Fraction width.
- Exponent width
- Specify the exponent width.
- Fraction width
- Specify the fraction width.
- Rate
- Assert rate
- specifies whether or not the block will assert that the rate at its input is the same as the rate specified. If the rates are not the same, an error message is reported.
- Specify rate
- Specifies whether or not the initial rate to
assert is provided from a signal connected to an input port
, or whether it is specified Explicitly from the Sample rate parameter in the Assert block dialog box.
- Provide output port
- Specifies whether or not the block will feature an output port. The type and/or rate of the signal presented on the output port is the type and/or rate specified for assertion.
Other parameters used by this block are explained in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.
The Output type parameter in this block uses the same description as the Arithmetic Type described in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.
The Assert block does not use a Xilinx LogiCORE™ and does not use resources when implemented in hardware.
Using the Assert Block to Resolve Rates and Types
In cases where the simulation engine cannot resolve rates or types, the Assert block can be used to force a particular type or rate. In general this might be necessary when using components that use feedback and act as a signal source. For example, the circuit below requires an Assert block to force the rate and type of an SRL16. In this case, you can use an Assert block to 'seed' the rate which is then propagated back to the SRL16 input through the SRL16 and back to the Assert block. The design below fails with the following message when the Assert block is not used.
The data types could not be established for the feedback paths through this block. You might need to add Assert blocks to instruct the system how to resolve types.
To resolve this error, an Assert block is introduced in the feedback path as shown below:
In the example, the Assert block is required to resolve the type, but the rate could have been determined by assigning a rate to the Constant clock. The decision whether to use Constant blocks or Assert blocks to force rates is arbitrary and can be determined on a case by case basis.
Model Composer now resolves rates and types deterministically, however in some cases, the use of Assert blocks might be necessary for some Model Composer HDL components, even if they are resolvable. These blocks might include Black Box components and certain IP blocks.