Vector FIR - 2022.1 English - UG1483

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The Vector FIR block supports FIR filtering for vector type inputs.


Super Sample Rate (SSR): This configurable GUI parameter is primarily used to control processing of multiple data samples on every sample period. This blocks enable 1-D vector support for the primary block operation.
  • If the filter type is Interpolation, the output vector size (SSR value on the output side) is equal to the SSR value on the input side multiplied by Interpolation Rate Value.
  • If the filter type is Decimation, the output vector size is equal to the SSR value on the input side divided by Decimation Rate Value.

This Vector FIR Compiler block provides a way to generate highly parameterizable, area-efficient, high-performance FIR filters with an AXI4-Stream-compliant interface.

AXI Ports that are Unique to this Block

This block exposes the AXI CONFIG channel as a group of separate ports based on sub-field names. The sub-field ports are described as follows:

Configuration Channel Input Signals:

config_tdata_fsel A sub-field port that represents the fsel field in the Configuration Channel vector. fsel is used to select the active filter set. This port is exposed when the number of coefficient sets is greater than one. Refer to the FIR Compiler V7.2 Product Guide starting on page 5 for an explanation of the bits in this field.

Block Parameters

Open the block parameters dialog box by double-clicking the icon in your Simulink® model.

Filter Specification tab

Parameters specific to the Filter Specification tab are as follows:

Filter Coefficients
Coefficient Vector
Specifies the coefficient vector as a single MATLAB row vector. The number of taps is inferred from the length of the MATLAB row vector. If multiple coefficient sets are specified, then each set is appended to the previous set in the vector. It is possible to enter these coefficients using the FDATool block as well.
Number of Coefficients Sets
The number of sets of filter coefficients to be implemented. The value specified must divide without remainder into the number of coefficients.
Use Reloadable Coefficients
Check to add the coefficient reload ports to the block. The set of data loaded into the reload channel will not take action until triggered by a re-configuration synchronization event. Refer to the FIR Compiler V7.2 Product Guide for a more detailed explanation of the RELOAD Channel interface timing. This block supports the xlGetReloadOrder function. See the Model Composer Utility function xlGetReloadOrder for details.
Filter Specification
Filter Type
The data rate of the input and the output are the same.
The data rate of the output is faster than the input by a factor specified by the Interpolation Rate value.
The data rate of the output is slower than the input by a factor specified in the Decimation Rate Value.
Rate Change Type
This field is applicable to Interpolation and Decimation filter types. Used to specify an Integer or Fixed_Fractional rate change.
Interpolation Rate Value
This field is applicable to all Interpolation filter types and Decimation filter types for Fractional Rate Change implementations. The value provided in this field defines the up-sampling factor, or P for Fixed Fractional Rate (P/Q) resampling filter implementations.
Decimation Rate Value
This field is applicable to the all Decimation and Interpolation filter types for Fractional Rate Change implementations. The value provided in this field defines the down-sampling factor, or Q for Fixed Fractional Rate (P/Q) resampling filter implementations.
Zero pack factor
Allows you to specify the number of 0’s inserted between the coefficient specified by the coefficient vector. A zero packing factor of k inserts k-1 0s between the supplied coefficient values. This parameter is only active when the Filter type is set to Interpolated.
SSR value.
Implementation tab

Parameters specific to the Implementation tab are as follows:

Coefficient Options
Coefficient Type
Specify Signed or Unsigned.
Specifies the quantization method to be used for quantizing the coefficients. This can be set to one of the following:
  • Integer_Coefficients
  • Quantize_Only
  • Maximize_Dynamic_Range
  • Normalize_to_Centre_Coefficient
Coefficient Width
Specifies the number of bits used to represent the coefficients.
Best Precision Fractional Bits
When selected, the coefficient fractional width is automatically set to maximize the precision of the specified filter coefficients.
Coefficient Fractional Bits
Specifies the binary point location in the coefficients datapath options
Coefficients Structure
  • Specifies the coefficient structure. Depending on the coefficient structure, optimizations are made in the core to reduce the amount of hardware required to implement a particular filter configuration. The selected structure can be any of the following:
    • Inferred
    • Non-Symmetric
    • Symmetric

The vector of coefficients specified must match the structure specified unless Inferred from coefficients is selected in which case the structure is determined automatically from these coefficients.

Datapath Options
Output Rounding Mode
  • Choose one of the following:
    • Full_Precision
    • Truncate_LSBs
    • Non_Symmetric_Rounding_Down
    • Non_Symmetric_Rounding_Up
    • Symmetric_Rounding_to_Zero
    • Symmetric_Rounding_to_Infinity
    • Convergent_Rounding_to_Even
    • Convergent_Rounding_to_Odd
Output Width
Specify the output width. Edit box activated only if the Rounding mode is set to a value other than Full_Precision.
Detailed Implementation tab

Parameters specific to the Detailed Implementation tab are as follows:

Filter Architecture
The following two filter architectures are supported.
  • Systolic_Multiply_Accumulate
  • Transpose_Multiply_Accumulate
    Note: When selecting the Transpose Multiply-Accumulate architecture, these limitations apply:
    • Symmetry is not exploited. If the Coefficient Vector specified on the Filter Specification tab is detected as symmetric, the FIR Compiler 7.2 block parameters dialog box will not allow you to select Transpose Multiply Accumulate.
    • Multiple interleaved channels are not supported.
Optimization Options
Specifies if the core is required to operate at maximum possible speed (“Speed” option) or minimum area (“Area” option). The “Area” option is the recommended default and will normally achieve the best speed and area for the design, however in certain configurations, the “Speed” setting might be required to improve performance at the expense of overall resource usage (this setting normally adds pipeline registers in critical paths).
  • Area
  • Speed
  • Custom
A comma delimited list that specifies which optimizations are implemented by the block. The optimizations are as follows.
Adds additional pipeline registers on the data memory outputs to minimize fan-out. Useful when implementing large data width filters requiring multiple DSP slices per multiply-add unit.
Pipelines the pre-adder when implemented using fabric resources. This may occur when a large coefficient width is specified.
Adds additional pipeline registers on the coefficient memory outputs to minimize fan-out. Useful for Parallel channels or large coefficient width filters requiring multiple DSP slices per multiply-add unit.
Adds additional pipeline registers to control logic when Parallel channels have been specified.
Adds additional pipeline registers to control logic when multiple DSP columns are required to implement the filter.
Adds additional pipeline registers to control logic for fully parallel (one clock cycle per channel per input sample) symmetric filter implementations.
Pipelines the Look-up tables required to implement the control logic for Advanced Channel sequences.
Specifies that Block RAM READ-FIRST mode should not be used.
Increased speed
Multiple DSP slice columns are required for non-symmetric filter implementations.
Miscellaneous optimizations.
Note: All optimizations maybe specified but are only implemented when relevant to the core configuration.
Memory Options

The memory type for MAC implementations can either be user-selected or chosen automatically to suit the best implementation options. Note that a choice of “Distributed” might result in a shift register implementation where appropriate to the filter structure. Forcing the RAM selection to be either Block or Distributed should be used with caution, as inappropriate use can lead to inefficient resource usage - the default Automatic mode is recommended for most applications.

Data Buffer Type
Specifies the type of memory used to store data samples.
Coefficient Buffer Type
Specifies the type of memory used to store the coefficients.
Input Buffer Type
Specifies the type of memory to be used to implement the data input buffer, where present.
Output Buffer type
Specifies the type of memory to be used to implement the data output buffer, where present.
Preference for other storage
Specifies the type of memory to be used to implement general storage in the datapath.
DSP Slice Column Options
Multi-Column Support
For device families with DSP slices, implementations of large high speed filters might require chaining of DSP slice elements across multiple columns. Where applicable (the feature is only enabled for multi-column devices), you can select the method of folding the filter structure across the multiple-columns, which can be Automatic (based on the selected device for the project) or Custom (you select the length of the first and subsequent columns).
Inter-Column Pipe Length
Pipeline stages are required to connect between the columns, with the level of pipelining required being depending on the required system clock rate, the chosen device and other system-level parameters. The choice of this parameter is always left for you to specify.
Interface tab
Data Channel Options
This field enables the data_tready port. With this port enabled, the block will support back-pressure. Without the port, back-pressure is not supported, but resources are saved and performance is likely to be higher.
Control Options
Active-High clock enable. Available for MAC-based FIR implementations.
ARESETn (active low)
Active-low synchronous clear input that always takes priority over ACLKEN. A minimum ARESETn active pulse of two cycles is required, since the signal is internally registered for performance. A pulse of one cycle resets the control and datapath of the core, but the response to the pulse is not in the cycle immediately following.

Other parameters used by this block are explained in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.

LogiCORE™ Documentation

FIR Compiler LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG149)