Example of disp Function - 2022.1 English

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The following MCode function shows how to use the disp function to print variable values.

function x = testdisp(a, b)
  persistent dly, dly = xl_state(zeros(1, 8), a);
  persistent rom, rom = xl_state([3, 2, 1, 0], a);
  disp('Hello World!');
  disp(['num2str(dly) is ', num2str(dly)]);
  disp('disp(dly) is ');
  disp('disp(rom) is ');
  a2 = dly.back;
  x = a + b; 
  disp(['a = ', num2str(a), ', ', ...
        'b = ', num2str(b), ', ', ...
        'x = ', num2str(x)]); 
  disp('disp(10) is');
  disp('disp(-10) is');
  disp('disp(a) is ');
  disp('disp(a == b)');

Check the Enable printing with disp option.

Figure 1. Enable Printing with disp

Here are the lines that are displayed on the MATLAB console for the first simulation step.

mcode_block_disp/MCode (Simulink time: 0.000000, FPGA clock: 0)
Hello World!
num2str(dly) is [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
disp(dly) is 
  type: Fix_11_7,
  maxlen: 8,
  length: 8,
  0: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.000000,
  1: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.000000,
  2: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.000000,
  3: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.000000,
  4: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.000000,
  5: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.000000,
  6: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.000000,
  7: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.000000,
disp(rom) is 
  type: Fix_11_7,
  maxlen: 4,
  length: 4,
  0: binary 0011.0000000, double 3.0, 
  1: binary 0010.0000000, double 2.0, 
  2: binary 0001.0000000, double 1.0, 
  3: binary 0000.0000000, double 0.0, 
a = 0.000000, b = 0.000000, x = 0.000000
disp(10) is
  type: UFix_4_0, binary: 1010, double: 10.0
disp(-10) is
  type: Fix_5_0, binary: 10110, double: -10.0
disp(a) is 
  type: Fix_11_7, binary: 0000.0000000, double: 0.000000
disp(a == b)
  type: Bool, binary: 1, double: 1