Greater Equals - 2022.1 English

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Perform element-wise greater than or equal relational operation on the inputs. The top input corresponds to the first operand.


Relational Operations


The Greater Equals block performs element-wise greater than or equal relational operation on the inputs. The upper input is the first input and the lower input is the second input. The block returns true if the first input is greater than or equal to the second input. The output equals 1 for true and 0 for false.

Figure 1. Greater Equals Block

Data Type Support

Data types accepted at the inputs of the block are:

  • Data Types: Greater Equal block supports all data types supported by Model Composer (integer, floating-point, fixed-point, and Boolean).
  • Dimension: The inputs can be scalar, vector, or matrix, or a combination of scalar, and matrix, or vector. If both the inputs are matrix or vector, they should have same dimension.
  • Complex Number Support: No

The output is always Boolean.

Outputs for the different input types are:

Table 1. Input/Output
Inputs Output
Both are scalar Scalar
Both are vector Vector of same dimension
Both are matrix Matrix of same dimension
One is scalar and the other is vector or matrix Dimension is that of the vector or matrix


The Greater Equals block has no parameters to set.