Assemble an output matrix by applying the kernel subsystem to submatrices (windows) of the input matrix in row-major order
Ports and Subsystems
The Window Processing block is a masked subsystem for assembling an output matrix by applying a kernel subsystem to sub matrices of the input matrix in row-major order. You customize the Window Processing block by specifying its parameters and by adding blocks to the Kernel subsystem for computing a scalar element of the output in terms of the corresponding input window. The computation can be thought of to proceed in the following steps:
- Compute the padded input matrix depending on the setting of the
Output size parameter.
Let the dimensions of the input be Min,Nin; let the dimensions of the window be Mwin, Nwin.
- If the Output size is set to Valid, no padding is performed, and the dimensions of the output are Min-Mwin+1,Nin-Nwin+1.
- If the Output size is set to Same as input, the input is padded with Mwin-1 rows and Nwin-1 columns of 0s. Half of rows added is put at the top and the remainder goes at the bottom. If Nwin is even then the bottom gets one more row of padding than the top. The same is done for adding the columns. The size of the output is the same as the size of the input.
- If the Output size is set to Full, the input is padded with 2*(Mwin-1) rows and 2*(Nwin-1) columns of 0s. Half of the padding rows (columns) are added at the top (left) and the other half at the bottom (right).
- For each element (i,j) of the output (iterate over output in row-major
- Select the MxN sub matrix from the padded input matrix starting with element (i,j)
- Apply the kernel subsystem to this sub matrix
- Assign the scalar output of the kernel to element (i,j) of the output.
The hierarchy of the Window Processing block is shown below.
- The topology of the window processing subsystem shall not be modified. It must match the topology show in the figure above.
- The input signal must be a matrix.
- The kernel must have precisely one input port and one output port.
- The output of the kernel must be scalar.
- The input of the kernel must have the dimensions specified by the window size parameter.
- The dimensions of the input must be at least as large as the window size.
- The kernel must not contain any of the following blocks:
- Blocks that have internal state, such as the Unit Delay block.
- The following Digital Signal Processing blocks: FFT and IFFT.
- Blocks created with the
- The kernel must not contain an if-action subsystem.
Data Type Support
There are no restrictions on the data types of the input or output signals.
Window size
This parameter specifies the size of the window. Enter a 2-element vector of real positive integers, for example [5,3], for the Window size. Please note that Window size cannot specify more than a total of 255 elements.
Output size
This parameter specifies how the edges of the input image are treated.
- Min+Mwin-1, Min+Nwin-1 if Full is selected for Output size.
- Min, Nin if Same as Input is selected for Output size.
- Min-Mwin+1, Min-Nwin+1 if Valid is selected for Output size.