For cases where you write a template that specializes one template parameter and
still allows some parameterization, you can use the template partial specialization.
Vitis Model Composer allows you to import the class kernels with
partial specialization using the AIE Class Kernel block. Consider the following example
where a class class_a
is partially specialized with a
non-type template parameter.
#include <adf.h>
template<typename T,int N>
class class_a
template<typename T>
class class_a<T,2> {
int m_count;
T var;
class_a(T q_var1);
void func_mem(input_stream<T> *i1,
output_stream<T> *o1,
output_stream<int> *o2);
static void registerKernelClass()
Notice that the function func_mem
is registered
in registerKernelClass()
method. When you try to
import the kernel function as a block into Model Composer using the AIE Class Kernel
block, the Kernel Class tab
in the Block Parameters
dialog box looks as shown.
Because the class is partially specialized with a non-type template parameter, you cannot edit the parameter 'N' from the Kernel Class Template Parameters. However, the value of the template type parameter can be a modified to any valid datatype.