This example shows
some simple arithmetic operations and type
conversions. The following shows the xlSimpleArith.m file,
which specifies the xlSimpleArith
function [z1, z2, z3, z4] = xlSimpleArith(a, b)
% xlSimpleArith demonstrates some of the arithmetic operations
% supported by the Xilinx MCode block. The function uses xfix()
% to create Xilinx fixed-point numbers with appropriate
% container types.%
% You must use a xfix() to specify type, number of bits, and
% binary point position to convert floating point values to
% Xilinx fixed-point constants or variables.
% By default, the xfix call uses xlTruncate
% and xlWrap for quantization and overflow modes.
% const1 is Ufix_8_3
const1 = xfix({xlUnsigned, 8, 3}, 1.53);
% const2 is Fix_10_4
const2 = xfix({xlSigned, 10, 4, xlRound, xlWrap}, 5.687);
z1 = a + const1;
z2 = -b - const2;
z3 = z1 - z2;
% convert z3 to Fix_12_8 with saturation for overflow
z3 = xfix({xlSigned, 12, 8, xlTruncate, xlSaturate}, z3);
% z4 is true if both inputs are positive
z4 = a>const1 & b>-1;
This M-function uses addition and subtraction operators. The MCode block calculates these operations in full precision, which means the output precision is sufficient to carry out the operation without losing information.
One thing worth discussing is the
call. The function requires two arguments: the
first for fixed-point data type precision and the
second indicating the value. The precision is
specified in a cell array. The first element of
the precision cell array is the type value. It can
be one of three different types: xlUnsigned
, xlSigned
, or xlBoolean
. The second
element is the number of bits of the fixed-point
number. The third is the binary point position. If
the element is xlBoolean
, there is no need to specify
the number of bits and binary point position. The
number of bits and binary point position must be
specified in pair. The fourth element is the
quantization mode and the fifth element is the
overflow mode. The quantization mode can be one of
, or
The overflow mode can be one of xlWrap
, xlSaturate
, or xlThrowOverflow
Quanitization mode and overflow mode must be
specified as a pair. If the quantization-overflow
mode pair is not specified, the xfix
function uses
for signed
and unsigned numbers. The second argument of the
function can
be either a double or a Xilinx fixed-point number.
If a constant is an integer number, there is no
need to use the xfix
function. The Mcode block converts
it to the appropriate fixed-point number
After setting the dialog box
parameter MATLAB
function to xlSimpleArith
, the block shows two input
ports a and b, and four output ports z1, z2, z3,
and z4.
M-functions using Xilinx data
types and functions can be tested in the MATLAB
Command Window. For example, if you type: [z1, z2, z3, z4] =
xlSimpleArith(2, 3)
in the MATLAB Command
Window, you'll get the following lines:
UFix(9, 3): 3.500000
Fix(12, 4): -8.687500
Fix(12, 8): 7.996094
Bool: true
Notice that the two integer
arguments (2 and 3) are converted to fixed-point
numbers automatically. If you have a
floating-point number as an argument, an xfix
call is