Inverse FFT - 2022.1 English - UG1483

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The Xilinx Inverse FFT block performs a fast inverse (or backward) Fourier transform (IDFT), which undoes the process of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The Inverse FFT maps the signal back from the frequency domain into the time domain.

The IDFT of a sequence {F n} can be defined as:

where N is the transform length, k is used to denote the frequency domain ordinal, and n is used to represent the time-domain ordinal.

The Inverse FFT (IFFT) is computed by conjugating the phase factors of the corresponding forward FFT.

The Inverse FFT block is ideal for implementing simple inverse Fourier transforms. If your Inverse FFT implementation will use more complicated transform features such as an AXI4-Stream-compliant interface, a real time throttle scheme, Radix-4 Burst I/O, or Radix-2 Lite Burst I/O, use the Xilinx Fast Fourier Transform 9.1 block in your design instead of the Inverse FFT block.

In the Vivado® design flow, the Inverse FFT block is inferred as " LogiCORE™ IP Fast Fourier Transform v9.1" for code generation. Refer to the document LogiCORE IP Fast Fourier Transform v9.1 for details on this LogicCore IP.

Block Parameters

The block parameters dialog box can be invoked by double-clicking the icon in your Simulink® model.

Parameters specific to the Xilinx Inverse FFT block are:

Transform Length
Select the desired point size ranging from 8 to 65536.
Scale Result by FFT length
If selected, data is scaled between IFFT stages using a scaling schedule determined by the Transform Length setting. If not selected, data is unscaled, and all integer bit growth is carried to the output.
Natural Order
If selected, the output of the Inverse FFT block will be ordered in natural order. If not selected, the output of the Inverse FFT block will be ordered in bit/digit reversed order.
Optimize for
Directs the block to be optimized for either speed (Performance) or area (Resources) in the generated hardware.
Note: If you selected Resources and the input sample period is 8 times slower than the system sample period, the block implements Radix-2 Burst I/O architecture. Otherwise, Pipeline Streaming I/O architecture is used.
Optional Port
Provide start frame port
Adds start_frame_in and start_frame_out ports to the block. The signals on these ports can be used to synchronize frames at the input and output of the Inverse FFT block. See Adding Start Frame Ports to Synchronize Frames for a description of the operation of these two ports.

Context Based Pipeline vs. Radix Implementation

Pipelined Streaming I/O and Radix-2 Burst I/O architectures are supported by the Inverse FFT block. Radix-4 Burst I/O architecture is implemented when the Optimize for: Resources block parameter is selected and the sample rate of the inputs is 8 times slower than the system rate. In all other configurations Pipelined Streaming I/O architecture is implemented by default.

Input Data Type Support

The Inverse FFT block accepts inputs of varying bit widths with changeable binary point location, such as Fix_16_0 or Fix_30_10, etc. in unscaled block configuration. For the scaled configuration, the input is supported in the same format as the Fast Fourier Transform 9.1 block. The Fast Fourier Transform 9.1 block accepts input values only in the normalized form in the format of Fix_x_[x-1] (for example, Fix_16_15), so the inputs are 2's complement with a single sign/integer bit.

Latency Value Displayed on the Block

The latency value depends on parameters selected by the user, and the corresponding latency value is displayed on the Inverse FFT block icon in the Simulink model.

Automatic Fixed Point and Floating Point Support

Signed fixed point and floating point data types are supported.

For floating point input, either scaled or unscaled data can be selected in the Inverse FFT block parameters. In the Fast Fourier Transform 9.1 block, the floating point data type is accepted only when the scaled configuration is selected by the user.

Handling Overflow for Scaled Configuration

The Inverse FFT block uses a conservative schedule to avoid overflow scenarios. This schedule sets the scaling value for the corresponding FFT stages in a way that makes sure no overflow occurs.

Adding Start Frame Ports to Synchronize Frames

Selecting Provide start frame port in the Inverse FFT block properties dialog box adds start_frame_in and start_frame_out ports at the input and output of the Inverse FFT block. These ports are used to synchronize frames at the input and output of the Inverse FFT block.

Figure 1. Adding Start Frame Ports

You must provide a valid input at the start_frame_in port. When the start_frame_in signal is asserted, an impulse is generated at the start of every frame to signal the Inverse FFT block to start processing the frame. The frame size is the Transform Length entered in the block parameters dialog box.

The start_frame_out port provides the information as to when the output frames start. An impulse at the start of every frame on the output side helps in tracking the block behavior.

The Inverse FFT block has a frame alignment requirement and these ports help the block operate in accordance with this requirement.

The figure below shows that as soon as the output is processed by the Inverse FFT block the start_frame_out signal becomes High (1).

Figure 2. Output

The following apply to the Provide start frame port option and the start frame ports added to the FFT block when the option is enabled:

  • The Provide start frame port option selection is valid only for Pipelined Streaming I/O architecture. See Context Based Pipeline vs. Radix Implementation for a description of the conditions under which Pipelined Streaming I/O architecture is implemented.
  • The option is valid only for input of type fixed point.
  • Verilog is supported for netlist generation currently, when the Provide start frame port option is selected.
Note: The first sample input to the Inverse FFT block may be ignored and users are advised to drive the input data accordingly.

LogiCORE™ Documentation

LogiCORE IP Fast Fourier Transform v9.1