Block | Description |
Bit Concat | Perform bitwise concatenation of input values into a single output value |
Bit Slice | Extract a range of bits from a value |
Bitwise AND | Perform element and bitwise Boolean AND operation on the inputs |
Bitwise NOT | Perform element and bitwise Boolean NOT operation on the input |
Bitwise OR | Perform element and bitwise Boolean OR operation on the inputs |
Bitwise XOR | Perform element and bitwise Boolean XOR operation on the inputs |
Logical AND | Performs element-wise logical AND operation on inputs |
Logical NOT | Performs element-wise logical NOT operation on the input |
Logical OR | Performs element-wise logical OR operation on inputs |
Reduction AND | Compute bitwise AND of the elements of the input over all dimensions or over a specified dimension |
Reduction OR | Compute bitwise OR of the elements of the input over all dimensions or over a specified dimension |
Reduction XOR | Compute bitwise XOR of the elements of the input over all dimensions or over a specified dimension |
Shift Left | Perform logical shift left of input over a constant number of bit positions specified by a non-negative integer mask parameter |
Shift Right | Perform logical shift right of input over a constant number of bit positions specified by a non-negative integer mask parameter |
Block | Description |
Lookup Table | Perform one-dimensional lookup operation with an input index |
Block | Description |
Abs | Compute element-wise absolute value of input signal |
atan | Compute element-wise inverse tangent of input signal |
atan2 | Compute element-wise four-quadrant inverse tangent of input signal |
Complex to Polar | Element-wise conversion of complex input signals into magnitude and radiant phase angle |
Complex to Real-Imag | Output real and imaginary parts of complex input signal |
Conjugate | Apply element-wise complex conjugate operation to the input signal |
Cosine | Element-wise computation of the cosine function for a given argument |
cosh | Element-wise computation of the hyperbolic cosine for a given argument |
Cumulative Sum | Compute the cumulative sum along the specified dimension of the input |
Divide | Perform element-wise division |
Exp | Perform an element-wise exponential value of the input |
Gain | Multiply the input signal with a constant gain factor. |
Log | Compute element-wise natural logarithm of input |
Log10 | Compute element wise base 10 logarithm of input |
Max | Computes the maximum value of an input or element-wise maximum value of multiple inputs. |
Min | Computes the minimum value of an input or element-wise minimum value of multiple inputs. |
Modulus | Perform element-wise modulus operation on the input signals |
Negate | Perform element-wise unary minus operation on the input data |
Polar to Complex | Element-wise conversion of real magnitude and angle representation signals into a complex signal |
Pow | Compute the element-wise power function |
Product | Compute element-wise product of the input signals |
Product of Elements | Multiply the elements of the input signal |
Real-Imag to Complex | Convert real and/or imaginary inputs to complex signal |
Reciprocal | Perform element-wise computation of the reciprocal for a given argument |
Reciprocal Sqrt | Perform element-wise computation of the reciprocal square root for a given argument |
Remainder | Perform element-wise division on the input signal, and the output is the remainder after the division |
Reshape Row-Major | Changes the input dimensions in row-major order. |
Signum | Perform an element-wise signum function (sign extraction) |
Sine | Element-wise computation of the sine function for the given input |
sinh | Element-wise computation of the hyperbolic sine for a given argument |
Sqrt | Element-wise computation of the square root for a given argument |
Subtract | Perform an element-wise subtraction |
Sum | Performs element-wise addition of two input signals |
Sum of Elements | Perform element-wise addition on the input, column-wise, row-wise, or in all-dimensions |
Tangent | Perform an element-wise computation of the tangent function for the given argument |
Block | Description |
Hermitian | Perform element-wise conjugate transpose operation on the input signal |
Matrix Multiply | Compute matrix product of two input signals |
QR Inverse | Compute the inverse of a matrix using QR factorization |
Submatrix | Select a subset of elements (submatrix) from matrix input |
Transpose | Perform an element-wise transpose operation on the input signal |
Block | Description |
If | Model if-else control flow |
In1 | Create input port for subsystem or external input |
Out1 | Create output port for subsystem or external output |
Action Port | Implement Action subsystems used in if and switch control flow statements |
Window Processing | Assemble an output matrix by applying the kernel subsystem to submatrices (windows) of the input matrix in row-major order |
Block | Description |
Equals | Perform element-wise equal to relational operation on the inputs |
Greater | Perform element-wise greater than relational operation on the inputs |
Greater Equals | Perform element-wise greater than or equal relational operation on the inputs |
Lesser | Perform element-wise less than relational operation on the inputs |
Lesser Equals | Perform element-wise less than or equal relational operation on the inputs |
Not Equals | Perform element-wise not equal to relational operation on the inputs |
Block | Description |
Data Type Conversion | Convert the input to the data type of the output |
Reinterpret | Element-wise reinterpretation of the input type into a compatible output type with the same bit width |
Block | Description |
Delay | Delay input signal by specified number of samples |
Unit Delay | Provides a delay of one sample period |
Block | Description |
Bus Creator | Create Signal Bus |
Bus Selector | Select signals from incoming bus |
Conditional | Pass through input T when control input satisfies a selected criterion; otherwise, pass through input F |
Demux | Separates a vector input into a number of scalar and vector outputs |
From | Accept input from Goto block |
Goto | Pass block input to From blocks |
Merge | Combine multiple signals into single signal |
Mux | Combines scalar and vector inputs into a larger vector output |
Block | Description |
Display | Show value of input |
Scope | Display signals generated during simulation |
Stop Simulation | Stop simulation when input is nonzero |
Terminator | Terminate unconnected output port |
To File | Write data to file |
To Workspace | Write data to workspace |
Block | Description |
Constant | Generates the constant specified by the Constant Value parameter |
Block | Description |
DocBlock | Create text that documents model and save text with model |
Interface Spec | Specify the RTL interfaces for a subsystem |
Vitis Model Composer Hub | Control implementation of the model |
Block | Description |
DocBlock | Create text that documents model and save text with model |
HLS Kernel | Import an HLS kernel code with a streaming interface. |