MAC Statistics TDM Ports - 2.4 English - PG369

Versal Adaptive SoC 600G Channelized Multirate Ethernet Subsystem (DCMAC) LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG369)

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2.4 English

Statistics related to the MAC are captured on the MAC Statistics Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) interface.

Note: Signals in the following table are clocked by the tx_axi_clk.
Table 1. MAC Statistics TDM Port Descriptions: TX Direction
Port Name I/O Description
tx_tsmac_tdm_stats_data[55:0] O TDM data
tx_tsmac_tdm_stats_id[5:0] O Indicates the ID associated with the TDM information.
tx_tsmac_tdm_stats_valid O Validates tx_tsmac_tdm_stats_start and tx_tsmac_tdm_stats_data.
Note: Signals in the following table are clocked by the rx_axi_clk.
Table 2. MAC Statistics TDM Port Descriptions: RX Direction
Port Name I/O Description
rx_tsmac_tdm_stats_data[78:0] O TDM data
rx_tsmac_tdm_stats_id[5:0] O Indicates the ID associated with the TDM information.
rx_tsmac_tdm_stats_valid O Validates rx_tsmac_tdm_stats_start and rx_tsmac_tdm_stats_data.
A complete description of the statistics map and the individual statistics can be found in the Register Space section.