Multicore Processing - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The genvectors_bilinear_interp function generates test vector files assuming a single AI Engine kernel is used for processing. To utilize multiple kernels in parallel, invoke the function as:

>> genvectors_bilinear_interp(N)

where, N is the number of desired kernels. This function extracts one of the coordinate transformations from file bli_coords.mat, performs bilinear interpolation on the pixels, and creates input and output test vectors for AI Engine simulation. The function also generates a file named config.h used by the AI Engine compiler and simulator to specify number of kernels and number of kernel invocations required to process the entire test image. This function also performs bilinear interpolation in double precision using the MATLAB interp2 function and stores the result in file golden_ref.mat.

As an example, specifying four kernels should result in the MATLAB Console Window displaying something like

>> genvectors_bilinear_interp(4)
Number of output pixels interpolated = 453221 out of 1048576 (43.22252 %)
Maximum pixel error is 0.000052940
Mean square pixel error is 0.000000000

along with the image shown in Figure 13.


Figure 13 - MATLAB genvectors_bilinear_interp Output

Once these MATLAB scripts are run, the rest of the AI Engine build and simulation process proceeds in the same manner. Figure 14 shows how four kernels are assigned to tiles in the AI Engine array.


Figure 14 - Multicore Kernel Placement in AI Engine Array

Figure 15 shows the result of comparing multicore AI Engine simulation output with test vectors. Based on profile results, four kernels will support peak processing rates in the range of approximately 1.7 to 2.1 GP/s, depending on device speed grade.


Figure 15 - Multicore Simulation Verification