Compile the application - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The Makefile is simple. It allows the user to compile for two different targets x86 and hw, visualizes the compiler output in vitis_analyzer, runs an AI Engine or X86 simulation, and visualizes also the output in vitis_analyzer.

Currently, the Makefile does not specify where the DSP Lib includes are located. The first step of this tutorial consists of adding the following lines, on line 27:

#########  Add DSP include files location   #########
DSP_FLAGS := --include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L1/src/aie
DSP_FLAGS += --include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L1/include/aie
DSP_FLAGS += --include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L2/include/aie

Type make aie to run the following command:

aiecompiler -target=hw $(AIE_FLAGS) $(DSP_FLAGS) $(AIE_GRAPH_FILES)

This compiles the design and maps it to the AI Engine Tiles.

Visualizing the compilation results is performed by typing make compviz, which runs the following command:

	vitis_analyzer $(AIE_OUT_DIR)/test.aiecompile_summary

After vitis_analyzer opens, it displays the Summary page, which provides a brief summary of the project.

Vitis Analyzer Summary

Selecting Graph on the navigation bar shows a diagram of the filter implementation. It illustrates the data connectivity points into and out of the graph (128-bit interfaces), and the symmetrical FIR filter kernel being implemented on a single tile with ping-pong buffers on either side of it.

Vitis Analyzer Graph

Selecting Array on the navigation bar shows the physical implementation of the design on the AI Engine array. Here you can see the PLIO interfaces in pink, the AI Engine tile that implements the kernel in blue, and the ping-pong buffers in purple. Note the kernel is located in tile (18,0), which was specified in fir_graph.h. Clicking on the components on the diagram takes you to the appropriate tab below, which provides a description of the element. Conversely, you can select the various element tabs (Kernels / I/O / Buffers / Ports / Nets / Tiles / Interface Channels) and click on a component to see where it is located on the array.

Vitis Analyzer Array

You can select the other entries on the navigation bar to see additional implementation details.

When you are done examining the design, click File -> Close Window.