Packet Stream Based AI Engine Kernels - 2024.1 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine

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Release Date
2024.1 English

Packet stream-based AI Engine kernels allow fine-grain control over how packets are generated and consumed in the kernels. This section explains how to code AI Engine kernels with packet stream interfaces (input_pktstream and output_pktstream). The connection in the graph is also described.

The PL side and PS side of this example is the same as Buffer Based AI Engine Kernels. Refer to:

  • Packet Format

  • Example PL Kernels for Packet Switching

  • Example PS code for Packet Switching

Packet Stream Interfaces and Operations

Two stream types are provided to denote streaming data, consisting of packetized interleaving of several different streams. These types are listed in the following table.

Input Stream Types Output Stream Types
input_pktstream output_pktstream

A data packet consists of a one word (32-bit) packet header, followed by some number of data words where the last data word has the TLAST field denoting the end-of-packet. The following operations are used to read and advance input packet streams and write and advance output packet streams.

    int32 readincr(input_pktstream *w);
    int32 readincr(input_pktstream *w, bool &tlast);
    void writeincr(output_pktstream *w, int32 value);
    void writeincr(output_pktstream *w, int32 value, bool tlast);

The API with the TLAST argument reads or writes the end-of-packet condition, if the packet size is not fixed.

The AI Engine tools provide the built-in function writeHeader to generate a packet header for packets originating from the AI Engine kernel and writes them to the output.

    void writeHeader(output_pktstream *str, unsigned int pcktType, unsigned int ID);
    void writeHeader(output_pktstream *str, unsigned int pcktType, unsigned int ID, bool tlast);

The AI Engine tools also provide the built-in function getPacketid to get the packet ID for the packet stream interface. The index for getPacketid only applies if the packet stream feeds into a pktsplit. In this example, each AI Engine kernel output sees only one logical stream (0 for index).

    uint32_t getPacketid(input_pktstream * in, int index);
    uint32_t getPacketid(output_pktstream * out, int index);   

Change working directory to pktstream_aie. Review the AI Engine kernels (aie/aie_core1.cpp, … , aie/aie_core4.cpp). The code for aie_core1 (aie/aie_core1.cpp) is as follows.

	void aie_core1(input_pktstream *in,output_pktstream *out){
		readincr(in);//read header and discard
		uint32 ID=getPacketid(out,0);//for output pktstream
		writeHeader(out,pktType,ID); //Generate header for output
		bool tlast;
		for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
			int32 tmp=readincr(in,tlast);
			writeincr(out,tmp,i==7);//TLAST=1 for last word

It can be seen that the input packet header is discarded. The output header is generated by writeHeader, and the packet ID for the header is obtained by getPacketid. TLAST equals 1 for the last word in the packet.

Construct Graph for Packet Stream Kernels

Review how the graph is constructed in aie/graph.h.

	using namespace adf;
	class mygraph: public adf::graph {
	  adf:: kernel core[4];
	  adf:: pktsplit<4> sp;
	  adf:: pktmerge<4> mg;
	  adf::input_plio  in;
	  adf::output_plio  out;
	  mygraph() {
	    core[0] = adf::kernel::create(aie_core1);
	    core[1] = adf::kernel::create(aie_core2);
	    core[2] = adf::kernel::create(aie_core3);
	    core[3] = adf::kernel::create(aie_core4);
	    adf::source(core[0]) = "aie_core1.cpp";
	    adf::source(core[1]) = "aie_core2.cpp";
	    adf::source(core[2]) = "aie_core3.cpp";
	    adf::source(core[3]) = "aie_core4.cpp";
		in=input_plio::create("Datain0", plio_32_bits,  "data/input.txt");
		out=output_plio::create("Dataout0", plio_32_bits,  "data/output.txt");
	    sp = adf::pktsplit<4>::create();
	    mg = adf::pktmerge<4>::create();
	    for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
	    	adf::runtime<ratio>(core[i]) = 0.9;
	    	adf::connect<adf::pktstream > (sp.out[i], core[i].in[0]);
	        adf::connect<adf::pktstream > (core[i].out[0],[i]);
	    adf::connect<adf::pktstream> (in.out[0],[0]);
	    adf::connect<adf::pktstream> (mg.out[0],[0]);

Note that the connection type for the input_pktstream and output_pktstream interfaces are adf::pktstream. So, it uses adf::connect<adf::pktstream> to connect the AI Engine kernel and pktsplit.out /

Note that input_pktstream is read as integer input. It needs to be reinterpret_cast to other types, if needed.

Run the AI Engine Simulator, HW Emulation, and HW Flows

  1. Run the AI Engine simulator with the following make command.

    make aiesim
  2. Run HW emulation with the following make command (it will build the HW system and host application) :

    make run_hw_emu

    Tip: If the keyboard is accidentally hit and stops the system booting automatically, type boot at the Versal> prompt to resume the system booting.

  3. After Linux has booted, run the following commands at the Linux prompt (this is only for HW cosim).

    mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
    cd /mnt
    export XILINX_XRT=/usr
    export XCL_EMULATION_MODE=hw_emu
    ./host.exe a.xclbin

    To exit QEMU press Ctrl+A, x.

  4. To run in hardware, first build the system and application using the following make command.

    make package TARGET=hw
  5. After Linux has booted, run the following commands at the Linux prompt.

     mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
     cd /mnt
     export XILINX_XRT=/usr
     ./host.exe a.xclbin

The host code is self-checking. It checks the correctness of output data. If the output data is correct, after the run has completed, it will print:



In this tutorial you learned about:

  • Building the buffer interface or packet stream interface to AI Engine kernels

  • Constructing the packet switching graph

  • Writing PL kernels to perform packet switching


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