Graph and Kernel Code - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
  1. Run the following make command to compile the design:

    make aie
  2. Open the compile result in an AMD Vitis™ Analyzer. It is found in the following directory:

    vitis_analyzer Work/graph.aiecompile_summary
  3. Examine the graph view in Vitis Analyzer.

    Graph View

There are two kernels, aie_dest1 and aie_dest2 in the design. These two kernels are connected through a stream connection and a buffer connection (ping-pong buffers buf1 and buf1d). The stream connection contains two stream switch FIFOs, Fifo0(24,0) and Fifo1(24,0). These hardened FIFOs are in the stream switch of AI Engine array tile 24_0. These FIFOs are inserted to prevent deadlock in the design (see AI Engine Hang Analysis).

The input from the PL is connected to the ping-pong buffers buf0 and buf0d, which are read by kernel aie_dest1. The output of kernel aie_dest2 is connected to the PL through a stream connection.

The code for aie_dest1 is as follows:

using namespace adf;
__attribute__ ((noinline)) void aie_dest1(input_buffer<int32,extents<32>> &in, 
    output_stream<int32> *out, output_buffer<int32,extents<32>> &outm){
	auto inIter=aie::begin_vector<4>(in);
	auto outmIter=aie::begin_vector<4>(outm);
	aie::vector<int32,4> tmp;
	for(int i=0;i<8;i++)

It reads 32 int values from the input buffer and writes them to the stream and buffer output. The __attribute__ ((noinline)) command instructs the tool the keep the hierarchy of the kernel function.

The code for aie_dest2 is as follows:

using namespace adf;
__attribute__ ((noinline)) void aie_dest2(input_stream<int32> *in, input_buffer<int32,extents<32>> &inm, 
    output_stream<int32> *outm){
	auto inmIter=aie::begin_vector<4>(inm);
	aie::vector<int32,4> tmp;
	aie::vector<int32,4> tmp2;
	for(int i=0;i<8;i++)

It reads from the stream input and the buffer, and writes to the stream output.