Steps - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Step 1: Learn about the execution model of an AI Engine graph, including how memory with lock and FIFO works. Learn performance measurement methods. Identify performance bottlenecks and practise optimization. Go to AI Engine Graph Execution and Measurement.

Step 2: Learn about how a deadlock might occur with an example design. Learn how to analyze a deadlock in the AI Engine simulator, hardware emulation, and hardware flows. Go to AI Engine Deadlock Analysis.

Step 3: Learn about AI Engine status analysis in the hardware and hardware emulation flows using Vitis Analyzer. Go to AI Engine Status Analysis.

Tip: In this tutorial, the designs are self contained in each step. You can choose to start at any step depending on your experience and requirements. Be aware that the concepts and options introduced in the previous step might not be repeated later. It is recommended to start from the beginning and progress through to completion.