Port timer register set is replicated for every port timer present (0 to 15) at the offsets listed for ports 1 to 15.
Offset | Register Name | Access | Description |
Port 0 Registers: 0x0200 to 0x023F | |||
0x0200 | TX0_CTIME_0 | RW | [31:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s CF Field [31:0] |
0x0204 | TX0_CTIME_1 | RW |
[30:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s CF Field [63:32] [31] - Reserved |
0x0208 | TX0_PERIOD_0 | RW |
Port0 TX clock period expressed in 2-48 ns For example, 3.2 ns is represented as TX0_PERIOD_0[31:0] = 0x3333_3333 TX0_PERIOD_1[23:0] = 0x0003_3333 TX0_PERIOD_1[31:24] reserved |
0x020C | TX0_PERIOD_1 | RW | |
0x0210 | TX0_SYS_OFFSET | RW | [31:0] - Signed offset applied to Port0 TX Timer’s ToD output expressed in 2-16 ns. |
0x0214 | TX0_NS_SNAP | RO |
[29:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s Nano-second Field [29:0] [31:30] - Reserved |
0x0218 | TX0_SEC_0_SNAP | RO | [31:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s Second Field [31:0] |
0x021C | TX0_SEC_1_SNAP | RO |
[15:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s Second Field [47:32] [31:16] - Reserved |
0x0220 | RX0_CTIME_0 | RW | [31:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s CF Field [31:0] |
0x0224 | RX0_CTIME_1 | RW |
[30:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s CF Field [63:32] [31] - Reserved |
0x0228 | RX0_PERIOD_0 | RW |
Port0 RX clock period expressed in 2-48 ns For example, 3.2 ns is represented as RX0_PERIOD_0[31:0] = 0x3333_3333 RX0_PERIOD_1[23:0] = 0x0003_3333 RX0_PERIOD_1[31:24] reserved |
0x022C | RX0_PERIOD_1 | RW | |
0x0230 | RX0_SYS_OFFSET | RW | [31:0] - Signed offset applied to Port0 RX Timer’s ToD output expressed in 2-16 ns. |
0x0234 | RX0_NS_SNAP | RO |
[29:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s Nano-second Field [29:0] [31:30] - Reserved |
0x0238 | RX0_SEC_0_SNAP | RO | [31:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s Second Field [31:0] |
0x023C | RX0_SEC_1_SNAP | RO |
[15:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s Second Field [47:32] [31:16] - Reserved |
0x0240 | CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 0 | RO | Port0 TX clock period configured in core, expressed
in 2-48 ns. For example, 3.2 ns is represented as: CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 0 = 0x3333_3333 CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 1 = 0x0003_3333 CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 1[31:24] reserved |
0x0244 | CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 1 | RO | |
0x0248 | CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 0 | RO | Port0 RX clock period configured in core, expressed
in 2-48 ns. For example, 3.2 ns is represented as: CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 0 = 0x3333_3333 CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 1 = 0x0003_3333 CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 1[31:24] reserved |
0x024C | CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 1 | RO | |
0x0250 | PORT0_SEC_ OFFSET_0 | PORT0_SEC_SYS_OFFSET_1[15:0],
PORT0_SEC_SYS_OFFSET_0[31:0]} - Represents Port timer 48b seconds
field signed offset value. PORT0_NS_SYS_OFFSET_0[29:0] - Represents Port timer 30b nano second field signed offset value. Signed bit interpreted as follows for PORT0_SEC_SYS_OFFSET: If [47] = 1’b1 then subtract from port timer If [47] = 1’b0 then add to port timer These registers are used to apply large port specific offset. A write to PORT0_NS_SYS_OFFSET_0 is required to trigger the application of the Port’s offset. |
0x0254 | PORT0_SEC_ OFFSET_1 | ||
0x0258 | PORT0_NS_OFFSET_0 | ||
0x025C – 0x027F | Reserved | N/A | Reserved |
Port 1 Registers: 0x0280 to 0x02FF | |||
Port 2 Registers: 0x0300 to 0x037F | |||
Port 3 Registers: 0x0380 to 0x03FF | |||
Port 4 Registers: 0x0400 to 0x047F | |||
Port 5 Registers: 0x0480 to 0x04FF | |||
Port 6 Registers: 0x0500 to 0x057F | |||
Port 7 Registers: 0x0580 to 0x05FF | |||
Port 8 Registers: 0x0600 to 0x067F | |||
Port 9 Registers: 0x0680 to 0x06FF | |||
Port 10 Registers: 0x0700 to 0x077F | |||
Port 11 Registers: 0x0780 to 0x07FF | |||
Port 12 Registers: 0x0800 to 0x087F | |||
Port 13 Registers: 0x0880 to 0x08FF | |||
Port 14 Registers: 0x0900 to 0x097F | |||
Port 15 Registers: 0x0980 to 0x09FF |