The example design contains wait timers. A `define SIM_SPEED_UP is available to improve simulation time by speeding up these wait times.SIM_SPEED_UP is only available when running RTL simulation. It is not available when running simulation with post synthesis or post implementation netlist.
Use the vlogan option: +define+SIM_SPEED_UP.
Use the vlog option: +define+SIM_SPEED_UP.
Vivado Simulator
Use the xvlog option: -d SIM_SPEED_UP.
Questa Advanced Simulator
Use the vlog option: +define+SIM_SPEED_UP.
Riviera- Pro Simulator
Use the vlog option: +define+SIM_SPEED_UP.
Xcelium Parallel Simulator
Use the xmvlog option: +define+SIM_SPEED_UP .
RS-FEC Enabled Configuration Simulation
For faster simulation, apply SIM_SPEED_UP and deselect the Use Precompiled IP simulation libraries check box in the Settings window, as shown in the following figures. If this is not done, the simulation can run for a long time, timing out with an error.