2:0 |
3'b000 |
RW |
gtwiz_loopback |
7:3 |
5'b00000 |
RW |
gtwiz_txprecursor |
12:8 |
5'b00000 |
RW |
gtwiz_txpostprecursor |
19:13 |
7'b0000000 |
RW |
gtwiz_txmainprecursor |
20 |
1'b0 |
RW |
gtwiz_rxcdrhold |
- Bit description mentioned (for gtwiz_txprecursor,
gtwiz_txpostcursor, gtwiz_txmaincursor, gtwiz_rxcdrhold) is
valid for non-GTM Versal devices
- For Versal GTM devices, valid bit
description is:bits [8:3] for gtwiz_txprecursor, [14:9] for
gtwiz_txpostcursor, [21:15] for gtwiz_txmaincursor, and bit
[22] of register is for gtwiz_rxcdrhold.
- For more details, refer to
Adaptive SoC GTY and GTYP Transceivers Architecture Manual (AM002).
- This register is applicable for Versal family