General purpose I/Os (GPIOs) are provided to control the example design. The user input and output ports are described in the following table.
Name | Size | I/O | Description |
sys_reset | 1 | I | Reset for the core. |
gt_ref_clk_p | 1 | I | Differential input clk to GT. This clock frequency
should be equal to the GT RefClk frequency mentioned in the
Vivado IDE GT Selection
and Configuration tab.
Note: This
port is available when the Include GT subcore in core option is
selected in the GT Selection and Configuration tab and the
Include Shared Logic in core option is selected in the Shared
Logic tab.
gt_ref_clk_n | 1 | I | Differential input clk to GT. This clock frequency should be equal to the GT
RefClk frequency mentioned in the Vivado IDE GT Selection and Configuration
Note: This
port is available when the Include GT subcore in core option is
selected in the GT Selection and Configuration tab and the
Include Shared Logic in core option is selected in the Shared
Logic tab.
gtm_gtrefclk | 1 | I | Single ended input clk to GT. This clock
frequency should be equal to the GT Refclk frequency mentioned in
the Vivado IDE GT Selection and
Configuration tab. Note: This port is available for non-Versal GTM devices when the
Include GT subcore in core option is selected in the GT
Selection and Configuration tab and the Include Shared Logic in
Example Design option is selected in the Shared Logic
dclk | 1 | I | Stable/free running input clk to GT. This clock frequency should be equal to the GT DRP clock frequency mentioned in the Vivado IDE GT Selection and Configuration tab. |
rx_gt_locked_led_0 | 1 | O | Indicates that GT has been locked. |
rx_block_lock_led_0 | 1 | O | Indicates that RX block lock has been achieved. |
restart_tx_rx_0 | 1 | I | This signal is used to restart the packet generation and reception for the data sanity test when the packet generator and the packet monitor are in an idle state. |
completion_status | 5 | O | This signal represents the test status/result.
mode_change_* | 1 | I | This port is available only when Runtime Switchable is selected in Vivado IDE and this is used to switch the core speed. |
core_speed_* | 1 | O |
This signal indicates the speed with which the core is working: 1’b1 = 10G and 1’b0 = 25G |
send_continuous_pkts_* | 1 | I | This port can be used to send continuous packets
for board validation.
stat_reg_compare | 1 | O | Indicates TX and RX statistics registers
comparison status.
This output is available when you select Include AXI4-Lite option in the General Tab. |
ts_clk | 1 | I | This is the system timer clk input port. Note: This
port is available when you select Enable Timestamping Logic in
the GUI Tab-2.
ptp_results_* | 1 | O | The timer comparison signals out to monitor and
restricts the tools to optimize the PTP design. Note: This port is available when you
select Enable Timestamping Logic in the GUI