Ionizing radiation is capable of inducing undesired effects in most silicon devices. Broadly, an undesired effect resulting from a single event is called a single event effect (SEE). In most cases, these events do not permanently damage the silicon device; SEEs that result in no permanent damage to the device are called soft errors. However, soft errors have the potential to reduce reliability.
AMD devices are designed to have an inherently low susceptibility to soft errors. However, AMD also recognizes that soft errors are unavoidable within commercial and practical constraints. As a result, AMD has integrated soft error detection and correction capability into many device families.
In many applications, soft errors can be ignored. In applications where higher reliability is desired, the AMD UltraScale™ architecture SEM controller can ensure a higher level of reliability.
If your application benefits from using the SEM controller, the IP Design Checklist provides a list of guidance and considerations when using and integrating the SEM controller.