Injecting an Error in NPI Registers - 2021.1 English

Xilinx Standalone Library Documentation OS and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English
Here are steps and code snippets illustrating how to inject an error in NPI registers for test purposes.
  1. Stop scan
    /*To stop scan*/ 
    Status = XSem_CmdNpiStopScan(&IpiInst, &IpiResp);
    if ((XST_SUCCESS == Status) &&
    		(CMD_ACK_NPI_STOPSCAN == IpiResp.RespMsg1) &&
    		(XST_SUCCESS == IpiResp.RespMsg2)) {
    	xil_printf("[%s] Success: Stop\n\r", __func__);
    } else {
    	xil_printf("[%s] Error: Stop Status 0x%x Ack 0x%x, Ret 0x%x\n\r", \
    			__func__, Status, IpiResp.RespMsg1, IpiResp.RespMsg2);
    	goto END;
  2. Inject error
    /* Inject error in first used SHA */
    Status = XSem_CmdNpiInjectError(&IpiInst, &IpiResp);
    if ((XST_SUCCESS == Status) &&
    		(CMD_ACK_NPI_ERRINJECT == IpiResp.RespMsg1) &&
    		(XST_SUCCESS == IpiResp.RespMsg2)) {
    	xil_printf("[%s] Success: Inject\n\r", __func__);
    } else {
    	xil_printf("[%s] Error: Inject Status 0x%x Ack 0x%x, Ret 0x%x\n\r", \
    			__func__, Status, IpiResp.RespMsg1, IpiResp.RespMsg2);
    	goto END;
  3. Start scan to detect injected error
    /*To start scan*/
    Status = XSem_CmdNpiStartScan(&IpiInst, &IpiResp);
    if ((XST_SUCCESS == Status) &&
    		(CMD_ACK_NPI_STARTSCAN == IpiResp.RespMsg1) &&
    		(XST_SUCCESS == IpiResp.RespMsg2)) {
    	xil_printf("[%s] Success: Start\n\r", __func__);
    } else {
    	xil_printf("[%s] Error: Start Status 0x%x Ack 0x%x, Ret 0x%x\n\r", \
    			__func__, Status, IpiResp.RespMsg1, IpiResp.RespMsg2);
    	goto END;

Wait for the XilSEM library to detect and report the error. The following code illustrates how to validate if the error injection was successful.

/*To validate injection*/
TimeoutCount = 4U;
while (TimeoutCount != 0U) {
	Status = XSem_CmdNpiGetStatus(&NpiStatus);
	if (XST_SUCCESS != Status) {
		xil_printf("[%s] ERROR: NPI Status read failure\n\r", \
				__func__, Status);
		goto END;
	/* Read NPI_SCAN_ERROR status bit */
	TempA_32 = ((NpiStatus.Status & 0x00020000U) >> 17U);
	if (TempA_32 == 1U) {
		goto END;
	/* Small delay before polling again */
xil_printf("[%s] ERROR: Timeout occurred waiting for error\n\r", __func__);
	return Status;
Note: All the macros used in the code snippets are defined in xsem_client_api.h.