XSecure_AesEncryptUpdate - 2021.1 English

Xilinx Standalone Library Documentation OS and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

This function encrypts the clear-text data passed in and updates the GCM tag from any previous calls. The size from XSecure_AesEncryptInit is decremented from the size passed into this function to determine when the final CSU DMA transfer of data to the AES-GCM cryptographic core.

Note: If all of the data to be encrypted is available, the XSecure_AesEncryptData function can be used instead.


u32 XSecure_AesEncryptUpdate(XSecure_Aes *InstancePtr, const u8 *Data, u32 Size);


The following table lists the XSecure_AesEncryptUpdate function arguments.

Table 1. XSecure_AesEncryptUpdate Arguments
Name Description
InstancePtr Pointer to the XSecure_Aes instance.
Data Pointer to the data for which encryption should be performed.
Size A 32 bit variable, which holds the size of the input data in bytes, whereas the number of bytes provided should be multiples of 4.


Returns XST_SUCCESS if data to be encrypted was successfully updated in AES engine