eFUSE PL API - 2021.1 English - UG643

Xilinx Standalone Library Documentation OS and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

This chapter provides a linked summary and detailed descriptions of the eFUSE APIs of Zynq eFUSE PL and UltraScale eFUSE.

Example Usage

  • The Zynq eFUSE PL and UltraScale example application should contain the xilskey_efuse_example.c and the xilskey_input.h files.
  • By default, both the eFUSE PS and PL are enabled in the application. You can comment 'XSK_EFUSEPL_DRIVER' to execute only the PS.
  • For UltraScale, it is mandatory to comment `XSK_EFUSEPS_DRIVER else the example will generate an error.
  • For more details on the user configurable parameters, refer Zynq User-Configurable PL eFUSE Parameters and UltraScale or UltraScale+ User-Configurable PL eFUSE Parameters .
  • Requires hardware setup to program PL eFUSE of Zynq or UltraScale.
Table 1. Quick Function Reference
Type Name Arguments
u32 XilSKey_EfusePl_SystemInit
  • XilSKey_EPl * InstancePtr
u32 XilSKey_EfusePl_Program
  • InstancePtr
u32 XilSKey_EfusePl_ReadStatus
  • XilSKey_EPl * InstancePtr
  • u32 * StatusBits
u32 XilSKey_EfusePl_ReadKey
  • XilSKey_EPl * InstancePtr