Here are steps and code snippets illustrating how to inject an error in Configuration RAM
for test purposes.
- Stop
/*To stop scan*/ XSemIpiResp IpiResp = {0}; XStatus Status = XST_FAILURE; Status = XSem_CmdCfrStopScan(&IpiInst, &IpiResp); if ((XST_SUCCESS == Status) && \ (CMD_ACK_CFR_STOP_SCAN == IpiResp.RespMsg1) && \ (XST_SUCCESS == IpiResp.RespMsg2)) { xil_printf("[%s] Success: Stop\n\r", __func__); } else { xil_printf("[%s] Error: Stop Status 0x%x Ack 0x%x, Ret 0x%x", \ __func__, Status, IpiResp.RespMsg1, IpiResp.RespMsg2); goto END; }
- Inject
/* Inject 1-bit correctable error */ XSemIpiResp IpiResp = {0}; XStatus Status = XST_FAILURE; XSemCfrErrInjData ErrData = {0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}; Status = XSem_CmdCfrNjctErr(&IpiInst, &ErrData, &IpiResp); if ((XST_SUCCESS == Status) && \ (CMD_ACK_CFR_NJCT_ERR == IpiResp.RespMsg1) && \ (XST_SUCCESS == IpiResp.RespMsg2)) { xil_printf("[%s] Success: Inject\n\r", __func__); } else { xil_printf("[%s] Error: Inject Status 0x%x Ack 0x%x, Ret 0x%x",\ __func__, Status, IpiResp.RespMsg1, IpiResp.RespMsg2); goto END; }
- Start scan to detect/correct injected
/*To start scan*/ Status = XSem_CmdCfrStartScan(&IpiInst, &IpiResp); if ((XST_SUCCESS == Status) && \ (CMD_ACK_CFR_START_SCAN == IpiResp.RespMsg1) && \ (XST_SUCCESS == IpiResp.RespMsg2)) { xil_printf("[%s] Success: Start\n\r", __func__); } else { xil_printf("[%s] Error: Start Status 0x%x Ack 0x%x, Ret 0x%x", \ __func__, Status, IpiResp.RespMsg1, IpiResp.RespMsg2); goto END; }
Wait for the XilSEM library to detect and optionally correct the error (if configured to do so) and report the error. The following code illustrates how to validate if the error injection was successful.
/*To validate injection*/
while (XST_SUCCESS != XSem_ChkCfrStatus(0x1, 0x800U, 11U)) {
xil_printf("Cram Status [0x%08x]\n\r", CfrStatusInfo.Status);
xil_printf("Cor Ecc Cnt [0x%08x]\n\r", CfrStatusInfo.ErrCorCnt);
xil_printf("Error address details are as\n\r");
for (Index = 0U ; Index < MAX_CRAMERR_REGISTER_CNT; Index++) {
xil_printf("\nErrAddrL%d [0x%08x]\n\r", \
Index, CfrStatusInfo.ErrAddrL[Index]);
xil_printf("ErrAddrH%d [0x%08x]\n\n\r", \
Index, CfrStatusInfo.ErrAddrH[Index]);
/*Function to check CFR status*/
static XStatus XSem_ChkCfrStatus(u32 ExpectedStatus, u32 Mask, u32 Shift)
XSemCfrStatus CfrStatusInfo = {0};
XStatus Status = XST_FAILURE;
u32 Temp = 0U;
Status = XSem_CmdCfrGetStatus(&CfrStatusInfo);
if (XST_SUCCESS == Status) {
Temp = DataMaskShift(CfrStatusInfo.Status, Mask, Shift);
if (Temp != ExpectedStatus) {
return Status;