Common Ports - 3.1 English - PG203

UltraScale+ Devices Integrated 100G Ethernet Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG203)

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3.1 English
The following table lists the RS-FEC ports that are used for control configuration and status reporting in both normal mode and transcode bypass mode.
Table 1. Common Ports
Name I/O



ctl_rx_rsfec_enable_correction I rx_clk RS-FEC correction enable
ctl_rsfec_ieee_error_indication_mode I rx_clk RS-FEC error indication mode (1=IEEE compliant mode, 0=allow simultaneous correction and indication bypass)
ctl_rx_rsfec_enable_indication I rx_clk RS-FEC indication enable
ctl_rx_rsfec_enable I rx_clk RX RS-FEC enable
ctl_tx_rsfec_enable I tx_clk TX RS-FEC enable
ctl_rsfec_enable_transcoder_bypass_mode I Core clock Transcoder bypass mode enable
stat_rx_rsfec_hi_ser O rx_clk Set to 1 if the number of RS-FEC symbol errors in a window of 8,192 codewords exceeds the threshold of K=417. Pulsed High. There is no latching High behavior on this output. See the 802.3 spec register 1.201.2.
stat_rx_rsfec_am_lock0 O rx_clk High if the RS-FEC RX lane 0 is locked and aligned
stat_rx_rsfec_am_lock1 O rx_clk High if the RS-FEC RX lane 1 is locked and aligned
stat_rx_rsfec_am_lock2 O rx_clk High if the RS-FEC RX lane 2 is locked and aligned
stat_rx_rsfec_am_lock3 O rx_clk High if the RS-FEC RX lane 3 is locked and aligned
stat_rx_rsfec_lane_alignment_status O rx_clk High if the RS-FEC RX lanes are all locked and aligned
stat_rx_rsfec_corrected_cw_inc O rx_clk High when the count of corrected RS codewords should be incremented.
stat_rx_rsfec_uncorrected_cw_inc O rx_clk High when the count of uncorrected RS codewords should be incremented.
stat_rx_rsfec_cw_inc O rx_clk High when the total count of received RS codewords should be incremented.
stat_rx_rsfec_lane_mapping[7:0] O rx_clk

8 LSBs of the 802.3 spec register 1.206, showing which PMA lane is mapped to each FEC lane.

Bits [1:0] = FEC lane mapping 0

Bits [3:2] = FEC lane mapping 1

Bits [5:4] = FEC lane mapping 2

Bits [7:6] = FEC lane mapping 3

stat_rx_rsfec_err_count0_inc[2:0] O rx_clk Value to increment an external accumulator for the number of RS symbol errors on FEC lane 0.
stat_rx_rsfec_err_count1_inc[2:0] O rx_clk Value to increment an external accumulator for the number of RS symbol errors on FEC lane 1.
stat_rx_rsfec_err_count2_inc[2:0] O rx_clk Value to increment an external accumulator for the number of RS symbol errors on FEC lane 2.
stat_rx_rsfec_err_count3_inc[2:0] O rx_clk Value to increment an external accumulator for the number of RS symbol errors on FEC lane 3.
stat_rx_rsfec_rx_lane_fill_0[12:0] O rx_clk Bits [13:7] give the fill level of the RX lane 0 FIFO. Bits [6:0] give the bit-level shift being applied to lane 0, in units of 1/80 of a clock cycle.
stat_rx_rsfec_rx_lane_fill_1[12:0] O rx_clk Bits [13:7] give the fill level of the RX lane 1 FIFO. Bits [6:0] give the bit-level shift being applied to lane 1 in units of 1/80 of a clock cycle.
stat_rx_rsfec_rx_lane_fill_2[12:0] O rx_clk Bits [13:7] give the fill level of the RX lane 2 FIFO. Bits [6:0] give the bit-level shift being applied to lane 2, in units of 1/80 of a clock cycle.
stat_rx_rsfec_rx_lane_fill_3[12:0] O rx_clk Bits [13:7] give the fill level of the RX lane 3 FIFO. Bits [6:0] give the bit-level shift being applied to lane 3, in units of 1/80 of a clock cycle.