Limiting I/O Constraints and Timing Exceptions - 2020.2 English - UG949

UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

Most timing violations are on internal paths. I/O constraints are not needed during the first baselining iterations, especially for I/O timing paths in which the launching or capturing register is located inside the I/O bank. You can add the I/O timing constraints after the design and other constraints are stable and the timing is nearly closed.

Tip: You can use the config_timing_analysis -ignore_io_paths yes Tcl command to ignore timing on all I/O paths during implementation and in reports that use timing information. You must manually enter this command before or immediately after opening a design in memory.

Based on recommendations of the RTL designer, timing exceptions must be limited and must not be used to hide real timing problems. Prior to this point, the false path or clock groups between clocks must be reviewed and finalized.

IP constraints must be entirely kept. When IP timing constraints are missing, known false paths might be reported as timing violations.