Baselining and Timing Constraints Validation Procedure - 2020.2 English - UG949

UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The following procedure helps track your progress towards timing closure and identify potential bottlenecks:

  1. Open the synthesized design.
  2. Run report_timing_summary -delay_type min_max, and record the information shown in the following table.
      WNS TNS Num Failing Endpoints WHS THS Num Failing Endpoints
  3. Open the post-synthesis report_timing_summary text report and record the no_clock section of check_timing.

    Number of missing clock requirements in the design: ___________

  4. Run report_clock_networks to identify primary clock source pins/ports in the design. (Ignore QPLLOUTCLK and QPLLOUTREFCLK because they are pulse-width only checks.)

    Number of unconstrained clocks in the design: ___________

  5. Run report_clock_interaction -delay_type min_max and sort the results by WNS path requirement.

    Smallest WNS path requirement in the design: ___________

  6. Sort the results of report_clock_interaction by WHS to see if there are large hold violations (>500 ps) after synthesis.

    Largest negative WHS in the design: ___________

  7. Sort results of report_clock_interaction by Inter-Clock Constraints and list all the clock pairs that show up as unsafe.
  8. Upon opening the synthesized design, how many Critical Warnings exist?

    Number of synthesized design Critical Warnings: ___________

  9. What types of Critical Warnings exist?

    Record examples of each type.

  10. Run report_high_fanout_nets -timing -load_types -max_nets 25.

    Number of high fanout nets not driven by FF: ___________

    Number of loads on highest fanout net not driven by FF: ___________

    Do any high fanout nets have negative slack? If yes, WNS = ___________

  11. Implement the design. After each step, run report_timing_summary and record the information shown in the following table.
      WNS TNS Num Failing Endpoints WHS THS Num Failing Endpoints
  12. Run report_exceptions -ignored to identify if there are constraints that overlap in the design. Record the results.