You can use automatic incremental implementation mode to activate the
incremental implementation flow but allow the Vivado
tools to defer running incremental implementation until more is known about the
reference checkpoint and the current design. When the read_checkpoint
command is issued, the Vivado tools determine whether to run the implementation flow with the
default flow algorithms or with the incremental flow algorithms. Automatic mode provides
push-button ease of use, because the tools manage the reference design data for
incremental implementation.
Project Mode
In Project Mode, the Vivado tools manage updating of the checkpoint as well as which algorithms to use. To enable the automatic incremental implementation mode in Project Mode, right-click an implementation run in the Design Runs window, select .
set_property AUTO_INCREMENTAL_CHECKPOINT 1 [get_runs <runName>]
Non-Project Mode
option. Following
is an example
command:read_checkpoint -incremental -auto_incremental <reference>.dcp
if {[get_property SLACK [get_timing_path -setup]] > -0.250} {
file copy -force <postroute>.dcp <reference>.dcp