Address Floorplanning Considerations - 2020.2 English - UG949

UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

A floorplan ensures that cells belonging to a specific portion in the design netlist are placed at particular locations on the device. You can use manual floorplanning to accomplish the following:

  • Partition logic to a particular SLR when using SSI technology devices.
  • Close timing on a design when timing is not met using standard flows.

If the cells are not contained within a level of hierarchy, all objects must be included individually in the floorplan constraint. If synthesis changes the names of these objects, you must update the constraints. A good floorplan is contained at the hierarchy level, because this requires only a one line constraint.

Floorplanning is not always required. Floorplan only when necessary.

For more information on floorplanning, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).

Recommended: Although the Vivado tools allow cross hierarchy floorplans, these require more maintenance. Avoid cross hierarchy floorplans where possible.