Signal Name | Direction | Description |
m_axi_araddr [AXI_ADR_WIDTH-1:0] |
O | This signal is the address for a memory mapped read to the user logic from the DMA. |
m_axi_arid [ID_WIDTH-1:0] | O | Standard AXI4 description, which is found in the AXI4 Protocol Specification. |
m_axi_arlen[7:0] | O | Master read burst length. |
m_axi_arsize[2:0] | O | Master read burst size. |
m_axi_arprot[2:0] | O | 3’h0 |
m_axi_arvalid | O | The assertion of this signal means there is a valid read request to the address on m_axi_araddr. |
m_axi_arready | I | Master read address ready. |
m_axi_arlock | O | 1’b0 |
m_axi_arcache[3:0] | O | 4’h0 |
m_axi_arburst | O | Master read burst type. |