Quick Start - 1.0 English - PG344

Versal ACAP DMA and Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express Product Guide (PG344)

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1.0 English

At the most basic level, the PCIe® DMA engine typically moves data between host memory and memory that resides in the ACAP which is often (but not always) on an add-in card. When data is moved from host memory to the ACAP memory, it is called a Host to Card (H2C) transfer or System to Card (S2C) transfer. Conversely, when data is moved from the ACAP memory to the host memory, it is called a Card to Host (C2H) or Card to System (C2S) transfer.

These terms help delineate which way data is flowing (as opposed to using read and write which can get confusing very quickly). The PCIe DMA engine is simply moving data to or from PCIe address locations.

In typical operation, an application in the host must to move data between the ACAP and host memory. To accomplish this transfer, the host sets up buffer space in system memory and creates descriptors that the DMA engine use to move the data.

The contents of the descriptors will depend on a number of factors, including which user interface is chosen for the DMA engine. If an AXI4-Stream interface is selected, C2H transfers do not use the source address field and H2C fields do not use the destination address. This is because the AXI4-Stream interface is a FIFO type interface that does not use addresses.

If an AXI Memory Mapped interface is selected, then a C2H transfer has the source address as an AXI address and the destination address is the PCIe address. For a H2C transfer, the source address is a PCIe address and the destination address is an AXI address.

The following flow charts show typical transfers for both H2C and C2H transfers when the data interface is selected during IP configuration for an AXI Memory Mapped interface.

Note: In the following flow charts, the table numbers refer to tables found in DMA/Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express Product Guide (PG195). The flow charts will be updated in a future release.