The Root Port Error FIFO Read Register reads from this location return queued error (Correctable/Non-fatal/Fatal) messages. Data from each read follows the format shown in the following table. For EP configurations, read returns zero.
Reads are non-destructive. Removing the message from the FIFO requires a write. The write value is ignored.
Bits | Name | Core Access | Reset Value | Description |
15:0 | Requester ID | RWC | 0 | Requester ID belonging to the requester of the error message. |
17:16 | Error Type | RWC | 0 | Indicates the type of the error. 00b: Correctable 01b: Non-Fatal 10b: Fatal 11b: Reserved |
18 | Error Valid | RWC | 0 | Indicates whether read succeeded. 1b: Success 0b: No message to read |
31:19 | Reserved | RO | 0 | Reserved |