Resets - 3.2 English

MicroBlaze Debug Module LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG115)

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Release Date
3.2 English

The Debug_SYS_Rst output can be used to reset the entire embedded system on the device, including all processors and peripherals. Normally it is connected to a proc_sys_reset IP core. The Xilinx® System Debugger (XSDB) command rst can be used to activate the signal.

The Debug bus connecting each individual MicroBlaze™ processor handled by the MDM core, has the Dbg_Rst reset signal. This signal can be used to just reset an individual processor. The XSDB command rst -processor can be used to activate the signal for the selected target processor. The signal is not available when AXI parallel debug is selected.

The S_AXI_ARESETN input is only used when the JTAG-based UART or Debug register access is enabled, and AXI4-Lite slave interconnect is used, or when BSCAN is disabled. Then it should normally be set to the same reset as the interconnect.

The M_AXI_ARESETN input is used when JTAG Memory Access is enabled, and AXI4 master interconnect and/or LMB master interface is used. Then it must use the same reset as the interconnect. A corresponding reset for LMB must also be used. The M_AXI_ARESETN input is also used when AXI4 master trace output is selected. Then it must use the same reset as the interconnect. The LMB interface is not used in this case.

The M_AXIS_ARESETN is used when AXI4-Stream trace output is selected. Then it should use the same reset as the AXI4-Stream slave the trace interface is connected to.