External Trace and AXI4-Master Trace Packets - 3.2 English

MicroBlaze Debug Module LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG115)

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3.2 English

The trace packets for External and AXI4-Master trace output are identical, and conform to the Arm® formatter frame structure as defined in the Arm CoreSight™ Architecture Specification.

There are two packet encodings:

  • Default, selected when C_TRACE_PROTOCOL is 0
  • Alternate, selected when C_TRACE_PROTOCOL is 1

With the default encoding, the frame ID is used to indicate which MicroBlaze™ processor and MDM core has generated a specific packet. The 8-bit ID is created by concatenating C_JTAG_CHAIN (1-4, 3 bits) with the MicroBlaze processor index (0–31, 5 bits).

The alternate protocol first frame ID (ID A) is set to the value of parameter C_TRACE_ID, and is followed by a single 8-bit value identical to the default protocol frame ID. The alternate protocol second frame ID (ID B) is set to the value of parameter C_TRACE_ID + 1, and is followed by the trace packet data.

Each packet transmits 32 18-bit trace items, and consists of 20 32-bit words, or five frames. The default packet encoding, when C_TRACE_PROTOCOL is 0 is illustrated in the following table and figure. The alternate packet encoding, when C_TRACE_PROTOCOL is 1, is shown in the following table and figure.

Table 1. External Trace and AXI4-Master Default Trace Packet Encoding
Trace Item Packet Word (w) and Bits Trace Item Packet Word (w) and Bits
0 w2[9:8], w0[23:17], w3[25], w0[15:8] 16 w12[9:8], w10[15:1], w11[28]
1 w2[11:10], w1[7:1], w3[26], w0[31:24] 17 w12[11:10], w10[31:17], w11[29]
2 w2[13:12], w1[23:17], w3[27], w1[15:8] 18 w12[13:12], w11[15:1], w11[30]
3 w2[15:14], w2[7:1], w3[28], w1[31:24] 19 w12[15:14], w12[7:1], w15[24], w11[23:17], w11[31]
4 w4[25:24], w2[31:17], w3[29] 20 w14[17], w15[29], w12[31:17], w15[25]
5 w4[27:26], w3[15:1], w3[30] 21 w14[19:18], w13[15:1],w15[26]
6 w4[29:28], w4[7:1], w7[24], w3[23:17], w3[31] 22 w14[21:20], w13[31:17], w15[27]
7 w4[31:30], w4[23:17], w7[25], w4[15:8] 23 w14[23:22], w14[15:1], w15[28]
8 w7[1], w7[30], w5[15:1], w7[26] 24 w17[9:8], w15[7:1], w15[30], w14[31:24]
9 w7[3:2], w5[31:17], w7[27] 25 w17[11:10], w15[23:17], w15[31], w15[15:8]
10 w7[5:4], w6[15:1], w7[28] 26 w17[13:12], w16[23:17], w19[25], w16[15:8]
11 w7[7:6], w6[31:17], w7[29] 27 w17[15:14], w17[7:1], w19[26], w16[31:24]
12 w9[25:24], w7[23:17], w7[31], w7[15:8] 28 w19[17], w19[31], w17[31:17], w19[27]
13 w9[27:26], w8[23:17], w11[25], w8[15:8] 29 w19[19:18], w18[15:1], w19[28]
14 w9[29:28], w9[7:1], w11[26], w8[31:24] 30 w19[21:20], w18[31:17], w19[29]
15 w9[31:30], w9[23:17], w11[27], w9[15:8] 31 w19[23:22], w19[15:1], w19[30]
Figure 1. External Trace and AXI4-Master Default Trace Packet Structure
Table 2. Alternate Trace Packet Encoding
Trace Item Packet Word (w) and Bits Trace Item Packet Word (w) and Bits
0 w2[25:24], w1[7:1], w3[26], w0[31:24] 16 w12[17], w15[25], w11[23:17], w11[29], w10[15:8]
1 w2[27:26], w1[23:17], w3[27], w1[15:8] 17 w12[19:18], w11[7:1], w11[30], w10[31:24]
2 w2[29:28], w2[7:1], w3[28], w1[31:24] 18 w12[21:20], w11[23:17], w11[31], w11[15:8]
3 w2[31:30], w2[23:17], w3[29], w2[15:8] 19 w12[23:22], w12[15:1], w15[24]
4 w5[9:8], w3[15:1], w3[30] 20 w14[25:24], w13[7:1], w15[26], w12[31:24]
5 w5[11:10], w4[7:1], w7[24], w3[23:17], w3[31] 21 w14[27:26], w13[23:17], w15[27], w13[15:8]
6 w5[13:12], w4[23:17], w7[25], w4[15:8] 22 w14[29:28], w14[7:1], w15[28], w13[31:24]
7 w5[15:14], w5[7:1], w7[26], w4[31:24] 23 w14[31:30], w15[29]. w14[15:8]
8 w7[17], w7[31], w5[31:17], w7[27] 24 w17[9:8], w15[15:1], w15[30]
9 w7[19:18], w5[15:1], w7[28] 25 w17[11:10], w16[7:1]. w19[24], w15[23:17], w15[31]
10 w7[21:20], w6[31:17], w7[29] 26 w17[13:12], w16[23:17], w19[25], w16[15:8]
11 w7[23:22], w7[15:1], w7[30] 27 w17[15:14], w17[7:1], w19[26], w16[31:24]
12 w10[1], w11[28], w8[15:1], w11[24] 28 w19[17], w19[31], w17[31:17], w19[27]
13 w10[3:2], w8[31:17], w11[25] 29 w19[19:18], w18[15:1], w19[28]
14 w10[5:4], w9[15:1], w11[26] 30 w19[21:20], w18[31:17], w19[29]
15 w10[7:6], w9[31:17], w11[27] 31 w19[23:22], w19[15:1], w19[30]
Figure 2. Alternate Trace Packet Structure