MDM Configuration Debug Register - 3.2 English - PG115

MicroBlaze Debug Module LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG115)

Document ID
Release Date
3.2 English

This register contains the current MDM core configuration. This register is a read-only register. Issuing a write request to the register does nothing.

Table 1. MDM Configuration Debug Register
Magic Res Ext UART Width Ports Version
31 24 23 22 21 20 16 15 8 7 0
Table 2. MDM Configuration Debug Register Bit Definitions
Bits Name Access Value Description
31 - 24 Magic R 0x42 Magic value 0x42
23 Reserved R 1 Reserved
22 Extended R 0, 1 Set to 1 if extended configuration register is available
21 UART R 0, 1 Parameter C_USE_UART
20 - 16 Width R 00111 JTAG UART character width - 1, 8 bit characters
15 - 8 Ports R 1-32 Parameter C_MB_DBG_PORTS
7 - 0 Version R 0x67 Version of MDM and JTAG UART protocol