Enabled when the AXI4-Stream interface is selected (n = 1).
Signal Name | I/O | Description |
s_axis_aclk_stream1 | I | AXI4-Stream clock. |
s_axis_aresetn_stream1 | I | AXI4-Stream reset. Active-Low. |
s_axis_video_stream1_tdata[191:0] | I | Video data input. Maximum width is 192. For more information on the interface width, see Table 1 . |
s_axis_video_stream1_tlast | I | Video end of line. |
s_axis_video_stream1_tready | O | AXI4-Stream tready output. |
s_axis_video_stream1_tuser | I | Video start of frame. |
s_axis_video_stream1_tvalid | I | Video valid. |