Customizing the IP - 2.1 English

DisplayPort RX Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG233)

Document ID
Release Date
2.1 English

The configuration screen is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Configuration Screen
Component Name
The Component Name is used as the name of the top-level wrapper file for the core. The underlying netlist still retains its original name. Names must begin with a letter and must be composed from the following characters: a through z, 0 through 9, and "_". The name displayport_0 is used as internal module name and should not be used for the component name. The default is dp_rx_subsystem_n (n depends on the number of DisplayPort instances in the design. n = 0 for the first instance added to the design.).
Selects the desired mode for the video stream out. Options are SST or MST.
PHY Data Width
Selects 16-bit or 32-bit GT data width.
Video Interface
Selects AXI4-Stream or native for the video interface.
Pixel Mode
Enables when native interface is selected. Select single, dual, or quad pixel mode. Maximum pixel mode supported is aligned with lane count. Pixel mode can be changed dynamically through software but this does not affect the video AXI4-Stream width.
MST Streams
Enables when MST mode is selected. Selects the maximum number of streams in MST mode. This is configured through software up to the maximum value. Valid options are 2, 3, or 4.
Lane Count
Selects the maximum number of lanes. Lane count can be changed dynamically through software. Valid options are 1, 2, or 4.
Bits Per Color
Selects the desired maximum bit per component (BPC). Valid options are 8, 10, 12, or 16. This can be changed in software up to the maximum value.
Enable Audio
Enables audio support. Available only when SST mode is selected.
Enable HDCP
Enables HDCP encryption. Available only when SST mode is selected.
Note: HDCP requires a separate license.
Enable UG934 Compliance of AXI4-Stream Video Output
Select this option to have UG934-compliant streaming video output (see the AXI4-Stream Video IP and System Design Guide (UG934).
Number of Audio Channels
Enables only when SST mode is selected and audio support enabled. Selects the number of audio channels. Valid options are 2 to 8.
AUX I/O Buffer location
Selects buffer location for AUX channel. Valid options are Internal or External.
AUX I/O Type
Selection of Bidirectional or Unidirectional buffer type.