The PLL, RX, and TX settings of the DP159 must be re initialized while the DisplayPort Source is no longer detected. For example, on receiving the cable unplug interrupt event.
Address | Write/Read | Data | Description |
0x00 | Write | 0x02 | Disable PLL, clear A_LOCK_OVR |
0x34 | Write | 0x01 | Enable Offset Correction |
0x02 | Write | 0x3F | Set CP_CURRENT is high BW |
0x01 | Write | 0x01 | CP_EN is PLL mode |
0x0B | Write | 0x33 | PLL Loop filter 8K |
0x4D | Write | 0x08 | EQFTC = 0 and EQLEV = 8 |
0x4C | Write | 0x01 | Set to Fixed EQ |
0x33 | Write | 0xF0 | Load Equalization settings |
0x10 | Write | 0xF0 | Disable all TX lanes |
0x30 | Write | 0xE0 | Enable RX Lane 0 only |