PROHIBIT specifies that a BEL or SITE cannot be used for placement.
TIP: The use of PROHIBIT on RAMB18 sites will not prohibit the placement of a RAMB36. Likewise the use of PROHIBIT on RAMB36 sites will not prohibit the placement of the RAMB18.
Architecture Support
All architectures.
Applicable Objects
•SITEs (get_sites)
•BELs (get_bels)
•TRUE (or 1): Prohibit the specified BEL or SITE from use during placement.
Verilog and VHDL Syntax
Not applicable
XDC Syntax
set_property PROHIBIT 1 [get_sites site]
XDC Syntax Example
# Prohibit the use of package pin Y32
set_property prohibit 1 [get_sites Y32]
Affected Steps
•I/O planning
•Place Design