DIAGRAM - 2022.1 English - UG912

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English



A block design (.bd), is a complex system of interconnected IP cores created in the IP integrator of the Vivado Design Suite. The Vivado IP integrator lets you create complex system designs by instantiating and interconnecting IP from the Vivado IP catalog. A block design is a hierarchical design which can be written to a file (.bd) on disk, but is stored as a diagram object within the Vivado tool memory.

Block designs are typically constructed at the interface level for increased productivity, but can also be edited at the port or pin level, to provide greater control. A Vivado Design Suite project can incorporate multiple diagrams, at different levels of the design hierarchy, or can consist of a single diagram as the top-level design.

Related Objects

As seen in Figure 1-2, page 13, the diagram object contains other IP integrator block design (bd) objects such as bd_cells, bd_nets, and bd_ports. The relationship between these objects is similar to the relationship between the standard netlist objects of cells, pins, and nets. You can get each object of the Block Design: cell, address space, address segment, net, pin, port, interface net, interface pin, and interface port from a specified diagram object.

For instance, get the nets of the Block Design with the following Tcl command:

get_bd_nets -of_objects [current_bd_design]


The following table lists the properties assigned to a diagram object in the Vivado Design Suite, with example values:

Property           Type    Read-only  Visible  Value

CLASS              string  true       true     diagram

COLOR              string  false      true     

FILE_NAME          string  true       true     design_1.bd

NAME               string  true       true     design_1

USE_IP_SHARED_DIR  bool    false      true     1

The properties of the diagram object can be reported using the following command:

report_property -all [lindex [get_bd_designs] 0]