HW_ILA - 2022.1 English - UG912

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English



The Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) debug core allows you to perform in-system monitoring of signals in the implemented design through debug probes on the core. You can configure the ILA core to trigger in real-time on specific hardware events, and capture data on the probes at system speeds.

ILA debug cores can be added to a design by instantiating an ILA core from the IP catalog into the RTL design, or using the create_debug_core Tcl command to add the ILA core to the synthesized netlist. Refer to Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908) [Ref 23] for more information on adding ILA debug cores to the design.

After generating a bitstream from the design, and programming the device with the program_hw_devices command, the ILA debug cores in the design are accessible from the Hardware Manager using the get_hw_ilas command. The debug probes assigned to the ILA debug cores in the design can be returned with the get_hw_probes command.

Related Objects

Figure 2-19:      Hardware ILA Objects

X-Ref Target - Figure 2-19



ILA debug cores can be added to a design in the RTL source files, or using the create_debug_core Tcl command. Debug cores can be found in the synthesized netlist design using the get_debug_cores command. These are not the hardware ILA debug core objects, hw_ila, found in the Hardware Manager feature of the Vivado Design Suite, though they are related.

The hardware ILA debug core can be found in the Hardware Manager on the programmed hardware device object, hw_device. You can query the hw_ila of the hw_device as follows:

get_hw_ilas -of [current_hw_device]

There are also objects associated with the hardware ILA debug core, such as hardware probes, and the captured data samples from the hw_ila core. You can query the objects associated with the ILA debug cores as follows:

get_hw_ila_datas -of_objects [get_hw_ilas hw_ila_2]


You can use the report_property command to report the actual properties assigned to a specific HW_ILA. Refer to the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835) [Ref 13] for more information.

The properties assigned to HW_ILA objects incude the following:

Property                                      Type    Read-only  Visible  Value

CLASS                                         string  true       true     hw_ila

CONTROL.CAPTURE_CONDITION                     enum    false      true     AND

CONTROL.CAPTURE_MODE                          enum    false      true     ALWAYS

CONTROL.DATA_DEPTH                            int     false      true     1024

CONTROL.IS_ILA_TO_DRIVE_TRIG_OUT_ENABLED      bool    true       true     0

CONTROL.IS_TRIG_IN_TO_DRIVE_TRIG_OUT_ENABLED  bool    true       true     0

CONTROL.IS_TRIG_IN_TO_ILA_ENABLED             bool    true       true     0

CONTROL.TRIGGER_CONDITION                     string  false      true     AND

CONTROL.TRIGGER_MODE                          enum    false      true     BASIC_ONLY

CONTROL.TRIGGER_POSITION                      int     false      true     0

CONTROL.TRIG_OUT_MODE                         enum    true       true     DISABLED

CONTROL.TSM_FILE                              string  false      true     

CONTROL.WINDOW_COUNT                          int     false      true     1

CORE_REFRESH_RATE_MS                          int     false      true     500

HW_CORE                                       string  true       false    core_1

INSTANCE_NAME                                 string  true       true     u_ila_0

NAME                                          string  true       true     hw_ila_1

STATIC.IS_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_MODE_SUPPORTED     bool    true       true     1

STATIC.IS_BASIC_CAPTURE_MODE_SUPPORTED        bool    true       true     1

STATIC.IS_TRIG_IN_SUPPORTED                   bool    true       true     0

STATIC.IS_TRIG_OUT_SUPPORTED                  bool    true       true     0

STATIC.MAX_DATA_DEPTH                         int     true       true     1024

STATIC.TSM_COUNTER_0_WIDTH                    int     true       true     15

STATIC.TSM_COUNTER_1_WIDTH                    int     true       true     15

STATIC.TSM_COUNTER_2_WIDTH                    int     true       true     15

STATIC.TSM_COUNTER_3_WIDTH                    int     true       true     15

STATUS.CORE_STATUS                            string  true       true     IDLE

STATUS.DATA_DEPTH                             int     true       true     2147483647

STATUS.IS_TRIGGER_AT_STARTUP                  bool    true       true     0

STATUS.SAMPLE_COUNT                           int     true       true     0

STATUS.TRIGGER_POSITION                       int     true       true     2147483647

STATUS.TSM_FLAG0                              bool    true       true     1

STATUS.TSM_FLAG1                              bool    true       true     1

STATUS.TSM_FLAG2                              bool    true       true     1

STATUS.TSM_FLAG3                              bool    true       true     1

STATUS.TSM_STATE                              int     true       true     0

STATUS.WINDOW_COUNT                           int     true       true     2147483647

TRIGGER_START_TIME_SECONDS                    string  true       true     

TRIGGER_STOP_TIME_SECONDS                     string  true       true     

To report the properties for a specific HW_ILA, you can copy and paste the following command into the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or Tcl Console:

report_property -all [lindex [get_hw_ilas] 0]