The RAM_AVERAGE_ACTIVITY property is a read-only property where the value is a pessimistic estimate performed by Vivado representing the average frequency of all UltraRAM and Block RAM on the device that can be switched (enabled/disabled). The value is used by Vivado to model power supply noise induced by RAM switching and calculate jitter for global clocks in static timing analysis.
When USER_RAM_AVERAGE_ACTIVITY is not specified, the RAM_AVERAGE_ACTIVITY value is used in the calculation of a pessimistic jitter value (reported as part of the clock uncertainty in static timing analysis) and ultimately results in increased difficulty for design timing closure.
Architecture Support
Applicable Objects
•Design (current_design)
•<n> : Where n is an integer between -1 and 1150
Not Applicable
Affected Steps
•Timing Analysis
See Also
•Versal ACAP Clocking Resources (AM003) [Ref 35]
•Versal ACAP Hardware, IP, and Platform Development Methodology Guide (UG1387) [Ref 36]