A block design pin, or a bd_pin object, is a point of logical connectivity on a block design cell. A block design pin allows the internal logic of a cell to be abstracted away and simplified for ease-of-use. Pins can be scalar or bus pins, and can appear on hierarchical block design cells, or leaf-level cells.
Related Objects
As seen in Figure 2-8, a block design pin is attached to a block design cell (bd_cell), and can be connected to other pins or ports by a net (bd_net) in the block design, or diagram.
You can query the bd_pins of bd_cell and bd_net objects:
get_bd_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells clk_wiz_1]
In addition, you can query the bd_cell, or the bd_net, of a specific bd_pin:
get_bd_cells -of [get_bd_pins */Reset]
The specific properties on a block design pin object can vary depending on the type of the pin. The following table lists some of the properties assigned to a CLK type bd_pin object in the Vivado Design Suite, with example values:
Property Type Read-only Visible Value
CLASS string true true bd_pin
DEFAULT_DRIVER string true true 0000
DIR string true true O
INTF string true true TRUE
LEFT string true true 3
LOCATION string false true
NAME string false true gpio_io_o
PATH string true true /axi_gpio_0/gpio_io_o
RIGHT string true true 0
TYPE string true true undef
To report the properties for the bd_net object, you can copy and paste the following command into the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or Tcl Console:
report_property -all [lindex [get_bd_pins */*] 0]