IO_STANDARD - 2022.1 English

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English


Figure 2-28:      IO_STANDARD Objects

X-Ref Target - Figure 2-28



IO_STANDARD objects define the available IOSTANDARDs supported by the target Xilinx device. The IO_STANDARD object can be assigned to PORT objects through the IOSTANDARD property to configure input, output, or bidirectional ports in the current design. For more information on supported standards, refer to 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG471) [Ref 2] and UltraScale Architecture SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG571) [Ref 8].

Related Objects

You can query the IO_STANDARD associated with specific BELs, SITEs, PACKAGE_PINs, IO_BANKs, or PORTs of interest:

get_io_standards -of [get_ports ddr4_sdram_dm_n[0]]

You can also query the PORT objects that implement a specific IO_STANDARD:

get_ports -of [get_io_standards POD12_DCI]


TIP:   In this case, the ports can also be found by looking at the IOSTANDARD property:
   get_ports -filter {IOSTANDARD==POD12_DCI}


The properties found on package_pin objects are as follows, with example values:

Property            Type    Read-only  Value

CLASS               string  true       io_standard

DIRECTION           string  true       INPUT OUTPUT BIDIR

DRIVE_STRENGTH      string  true       NA

HAS_VCCO_IN         bool    true       1

HAS_VCCO_OUT        bool    true       1

HAS_VREF            bool    true       1

INPUT_TERMINATION   string  true       SINGLE

IS_DCI              bool    true       1

IS_DIFFERENTIAL     bool    true       0

NAME                string  true       POD12_DCI


SLEW                string  true       SLOW MEDIUM FAST

SUPPORTS_SLEW       bool    true       0

VCCO_IN             double  true       1.200

VCCO_OUT            double  true       1.200

VREF                double  true       0.840

The properties of package_pin objects can be listed with the following command:

report_property -all [lindex [get_io_standards] 0]