PATH_MODE - 2022.1 English - UG912

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English


The PATH_MODE property determines how the Vivado Design Suite evaluates a path when trying to locate a file or reading a path-based constraint or property.

For every file in a project, and for most properties that refer to files and directories, the Vivado Design Suite attempts to store and maintain both a relative path and an absolute path to the file or directory. When a project is opened, these paths are used to locate the files and directories. By default the Vivado Design Suite applies a Relative First approach to resolving paths, searching the relative path first, then the absolute path. You can use the PATH_MODE property to change how the Vivado tool resolves file paths or properties for specific objects.


TIP:   For some paths, in particular those on different drives on Windows, the Vivado tool cannot maintain a relative path. In these cases, only an absolute path is stored.

When the RelativeFirst or AbsoluteFirst settings are used, the Vivado tool will issue a warning when it has to use the alternate, or second path to find an object.

Architecture Support

All devices.

Applicable Objects

Source files (get_files)


RelativeFirst: Use the relative path to the project to locate the file. If the file can not be found with this path, use the absolute path. This is the default value and is suitable for most uses.

AbsoluteFirst: Use the absolute path to locate the file. If the file can not be found, use the relative path. AbsoluteFirst or AbsoluteOnly might be appropriate for files stored in a fixed repository, for example standard files used by everyone in a design group or company, or for a library of IP.

RelativeOnly: Use only the relative path to locate the file. If the file can not be found, issue an appropriate message and treat the file as missing. The RelativeOnly or AbsoluteOnly settings might be appropriate when multiple files with the same name exist, and you need to insure that the correct file is located.

AbsoluteOnly: Use only the absolute path to locate the file. If the file can not be found, issue an appropriate message and treat the file as missing.


Verilog and VHDL Syntax

Not applicable

XDC Syntax

set_property PATH_MODE AbsoluteFirst [get_files *IP/*]

Affected Steps

Project management and file location