IOB - 2022.1 English - UG912

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English


IOB directs the Vivado tool to place a register that is connected to the specified port into the input or output logic block. Place this attribute on a port, connected to a register that you want to place into the I/O block.


IMPORTANT:   With this property set to TRUE, the Vivado placer will only place the register into the IOB. The tool will not move the flop out of the IOB to improve timing since the IOB constraint takes precedence.

Architecture Support

All architectures.

Applicable Objects

Ports (get_ports)

°Any port connected to a register

Registers (get_cells)


TRUE: Place a connected register into the I/O Block.

FALSE: Do not place the specified register into the I/O Block (default).


Verilog Syntax

To set this attribute, place the proper Verilog attribute syntax before the top-level port declaration.

(* IOB = "{TRUE|FALSE}" *)

Verilog Syntax Example

// Place the register connected to ACK in the input logic site

(* IOB = "TRUE" *) input ACK,

VHDL Syntax

Declare and specify the VHDL attribute as follows:

attribute IOB : string;

attribute IOB of <port_name>: signal is "{TRUE|FALSE}";


port_name is a top-level port.

VHDL Syntax Example

ACK : in std_logic;

attribute IOB : string;

-- Place the register connected to ACK in the input logic site

attribute IOB of ACK: signal is "TRUE";

XDC Syntax

set_property IOB value [get_ports port_name]


value is TRUE or FALSE.

XDC Syntax Example

# Place the register connected to ACK in the input logic site

set_property IOB TRUE [get_ports ACK]

Affected Steps

Place Design
