The DELAY_BYPASS property reduces the delay through the BUFIO in Xilinx 7 series FPGAs.
There is an intrinsic delay in the BUFIO to match the delay of the BUFR to allow for smooth data transference from those domains. For 7 series devices, this property disables that delay.
Architecture Support
7 series FPGAs.
Applicable Objects
•BUFIO (get_cells)
•TRUE: Delay bypass is enabled.
•FALSE: Delay bypass is disabled (default).
Verilog and VHDL Syntax
Not applicable
XDC Syntax
set_property DELAY_BYPASS TRUE [get_cells <cells>]
•<cells> is a list of BUFIO cells to bypass the intrinsic delay.
XDC Syntax Example
set_property -name DELAY_BYPASS TRUE [get_cells clk_bufio]
Affected Steps
•Timing Analysis