The hardware ILA data object is a repository for data captured on the ILA debug core programmed onto the current hardware device. The upload_hw_ila_data command creates a hw_ila_data object in the process of moving the captured data from the ILA debug core, hw_ila, on the physical FPGA, hw_device.
The read_hw_ila_data command can also create a hw_ila_data object when reading an ILA data file from disk.
The hw_ila_data object can be viewed in the waveform viewer of the Vivado logic analyzer by using the display_hw_ila_data command, and can be written to disk using the write_hw_ila_data command.
Related Objects
As seen in Figure 2-19, page 64, the hardware ILA data objects are associated with the ILA debug cores programmed on the hardware device. You can query the data objects as follows:
get_hw_ila_datas -of_objects [get_hw_ilas]
You can use the report_property command to report the properties assigned to a hw_ila_data object. Refer to the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835) [Ref 13] for more information. The properties are as follows:
Property Type Read-only Visible Value
CLASS string true true hw_ila_data
HW_ILA string true true hw_ila_1
NAME string true true hw_ila_data_1
TIMESTAMP string true true Sat Mar 08 11:05:49 2014
To report the properties for the hw_ila_data object, you can copy and paste the following command into the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or Tcl Console:
report_property -all [lindex [get_hw_ila_datas] 0]