A block design cell, or bd_cell object, is an instance of an IP integrator IP core object, or is a hierarchical block design cell. A leaf-cell is a core from the IP catalog. A hierarchical cell is a module or block that contains one or more additional levels of logic, including leaf-cells.
The TYPE property of the bd_cell object identifies the block design cell as either a lead-cell coming from the IP catalog (TYPE == IP), or as a hierarchical module containing additional logic (TYPE == HIER).
Related Objects
As seen in Figure 2-3, Block design cells (bd_cell) are found in a block design, or diagram object. The cells include block design pins (bd_pin) and interface pins (bd_intf_pin), and can hierarchically contain block design ports (bd_port) and interface ports (bd_intf_port). They are connected by nets (bd_net) and interface nets (bd_intf_net). Memory related block design cells can also contain address spaces (bd_addr_space), and address segments (bd_addr_seg). You can query the block design cells that are associated with any of these objects, for example:
get_bd_cells -of_objects [get_bd_addr_spaces]
You can query the objects associated with block design cells:
get_bd_addr_spaces -of_objects [get_bd_cells]
You can also query the block design cells that are hierarchically objects of another block design cell:
get_bd_cells -of_objects [get_bd_cells microblaze_0_axi_periph]
The specific properties on a block design cell object can be numerous and varied, depending on the type of IP core the object represents. The following table lists some of the properties assigned to a bd_cell object in the Vivado Design Suite, with example values:
Property Type Read-only Visible Value
CLASS string true true bd_cell
CONFIG.C_ALL_INPUTS string false true 0
CONFIG.C_ALL_INPUTS_2 string false true 0
CONFIG.C_ALL_OUTPUTS string false true 1
CONFIG.C_ALL_OUTPUTS_2 string false true 0
CONFIG.C_DOUT_DEFAULT string false true 0x00000000
CONFIG.C_DOUT_DEFAULT_2 string false true 0x00000000
CONFIG.C_GPIO2_WIDTH string false true 32
CONFIG.C_GPIO_WIDTH string false true 4
CONFIG.C_INTERRUPT_PRESENT string false true 0
CONFIG.C_IS_DUAL string false true 0
CONFIG.C_TRI_DEFAULT_2 string false true 0xFFFFFFFF
CONFIG.Component_Name string false true base_mb_axi_gpio_0_0
CONFIG.GPIO2_BOARD_INTERFACE string false true Custom
CONFIG.GPIO_BOARD_INTERFACE string false true led_4bits
CONFIG.USE_BOARD_FLOW string false true true
LOCATION string false true 5 1720 200
LOCK_UPGRADE bool false true 0
NAME string false true axi_gpio_0
PATH string true true /axi_gpio_0
SCREENSIZE string false true 180 116
SDX_KERNEL string true false false
SDX_KERNEL_SIM_INST string true false
SDX_KERNEL_SYNTH_INST string true false
SDX_KERNEL_TYPE string true false
SELECTED_SIM_MODEL string false true rtl
TYPE string true true ip
VLNV string true true
To report the properties for a bd_cell object, you can copy and paste the following command into the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or Tcl Console:
report_property -all [lindex [get_bd_cells] 0]