NET - 2022.1 English

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English


Figure 2-29:      NET Objects

X-Ref Target - Figure 2-29



A net is a set of interconnected pins, ports, and wires. Every wire has a net name, which identifies it. Two or more wires can have the same net name. All wires sharing a common net name are part of a single NET, and all pins or ports connected to these wires are electrically connected.

A default net name is assigned to the NET object as it is added to the netlist design during elaboration or compilation of the RTL source files into a netlist design. You can also manually assign names to nets.

Nets can either be scalar nets, with a single signal, or can be bus nets, which are groups of scalar nets with multiple signals. Buses are a convenient way to group related signals, allowing a less cluttered, more understandable schematics. It also clarifies the connection between the main circuit and a block symbol. Buses are especially useful for the following:

  Routing a number of signals from one side of the schematic to the other

  Connecting more than one signal to a block symbol

   Connecting more than one signal to pass between hierarchical levels by connecting to a single I/O marker

Related Objects

In the design netlist, a NET can be connected to the PIN of a CELL, or to a PORT. Net objects are also associated with CLOCKs brought onto the design through PORTs, and to TIMING_PATHs in the design. NETs can also be associated with DRC_VIOLATIONs to allow you to more quickly locate and resolve design issues. You can query the nets associated with these different design objects:

get_nets -of [get_cells dbg_hub]

As the design is mapped onto the target Xilinx FPGA, the NET is mapped to routing resources such as WIREs, NODEs, and PIPs on the device, and is connected to BELs through BEL_PINs, and to SITEs through SITE_PINs. You can query the clock, pin, port, bel, bel_pin, site, site_pin, tile, node, pip, wire associated with a specific net or nets in the design:

get_bel_pins -of [get_nets ddr4_sdram_adr[0]]


The specific properties on a net object can vary depending on the type of net the object represents. The following table lists some of the properties assigned to a net object in the Vivado Design Suite, with example values:

Property                        Type     Read-only  Visible  Value

AREA_GROUP                      string   true       true     

BEL                             string   true       true     

BLKNM                           string   true       true     

BUFFER_TYPE                     enum     false      true     

BUFG                            enum     true       true     

BUS_NAME                        string   true       true     DataIn_pad_0_i

BUS_START                       int      true       true     7

BUS_STOP                        int      true       true     0

BUS_WIDTH                       int      true       true     8

CLASS                           string   true       true     net

CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE               enum     false      true     

CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE           enum     false      true     

CLOCK_REGION_ASSIGNMENT         string   false      true     

CLOCK_ROOT                      string*  false      true     

COLLAPSE                        bool     true       true     

COOL_CLK                        bool     true       true     

DATA_GATE                       bool     true       true     

DCI_VALUE                       int      false      true     

DIFF_TERM                       bool     false      true     

DIRECT_ENABLE                   bool     false      true     

DIRECT_RESET                    bool     false      true     

DONT_TOUCH                      bool     false      true     

DRIVE                           int      true       false    

DRIVER_COUNT                    int      true       true     1

ESSENTIAL_CLASSIFICATION_VALUE  int      false      true     

FILE_NAME                       string   true       true     

FIXED_ROUTE                     string   false      true     

FLAT_PIN_COUNT                  int      true       true     1

FLOAT                           bool     true       true     

GATED_CLOCK                     bool     false      true     

HBLKNM                          string   true       true     

HD.NO_ROUTE_CONTAINMENT         bool     false      true     

HIERARCHICALNAME                string   true       false    top.DataIn_pad_0_i[0]

HU_SET                          string   true       false    

IBUF_DELAY_VALUE                double   true       true     

IBUF_LOW_PWR                    bool     false      true     

IFD_DELAY_VALUE                 double   true       true     

IN_TERM                         enum     true       true     

IOB                             enum     false      true     

IOBDELAY                        enum     false      true     

IOSTANDARD                      string   true       false    LVCMOS18

IO_BUFFER_TYPE                  enum     false      true     

IS_CONTAIN_ROUTING              bool     true       true     0

IS_INTERNAL                     bool     true       true     0

IS_REUSED                       bool     true       true     0

IS_ROUTE_FIXED                  bool     false      true     0

KEEP                            bool     true       true     

KEEPER                          bool     true       true     

LINE_NUMBER                     int      true       true     

LOC                             string   true       true     

MARK_DEBUG                      bool     false      true     0

MAXDELAY                        double   true       true     

MAXSKEW                         double   true       true     

MAX_FANOUT                      string   false      true     

METHODOLOGY_DRC_VIOS            string   false      true     

MULTI_CLOCK_ROOT                string*  false      true     

NAME                            string   true       true     DataIn_pad_0_i[0]

NODELAY                         bool     true       true     

NOREDUCE                        bool     true       true     

OUT_TERM                        enum     true       true     

PARENT                          string   true       true     DataIn_pad_0_i[0]

PARENT_CELL                     string   true       true     

PIN_COUNT                       int      true       true     1

PULLDOWN                        bool     true       true     

PULLUP                          bool     true       true     

PWR_MODE                        enum     true       true     

RAM_STYLE                       enum     false      true     

REUSE_STATUS                    enum     true       true     

RLOC                            string   true       true     

RLOC_ORIGIN                     string   true       false    

RLOC_RANGE                      string   true       false    

ROM_STYLE                       enum     false      true     

ROUTE                           string   false      true     

ROUTE_STATUS                    enum     true       true     INTRASITE

RPM_GRID                        enum     true       true     

RTL_KEEP                        string   true       false    

RTL_MAX_FANOUT                  string   true       false    

S                               bool     true       true     

SCHMITT_TRIGGER                 bool     true       true     

SLEW                            string   true       true     

SUSPEND                         string   true       true     

TYPE                            enum     true       true     SIGNAL

USELOWSKEWLINES                 bool     true       true     

USE_DSP48                       enum     false      true     

U_SET                           string   true       false    

WEIGHT                          int      false      true     

WIREAND                         bool     true       true     

XBLKNM                          string   true       true     

XLNX_LINE_COL                   int      false      false    

XLNX_LINE_FILE                  long     false      false    

_HAVE_MD_DT                     bool     true       false    

async_reg                       string   false      true

To report the properties for a net object, you can copy and paste the following command into the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or Tcl Console:

report_property -all [lindex [get_nets] 0]